it appears the custom amount mapping yields a string value in some cases and throws an error on the bc api. workaround is to multiply it by 1 to force a numeric value and set data type to number.
If you are doing this in postman, it should look like this: GET
update on this, we were able to make it work by adding file encoding and using following syntax:
hi guys, for file name in ftp imports, is that using afe 1 or 2? we can't seem to get the ff to work: batch_of_records.0.record.fieldname batch_of_records.0.record.0.fieldname batch_of_records.0.da...
hi Gabe Montoya , I've tried a different approach that I think works better. Try this demo flow I created:
Update from our discussion, I could not figure out a way to find existing id and add new ids, but the alternate approach I shared was what was done here:
thanks for joining the call Moazam. The usecase you described is to update rows if they have the same id and add if there's a new id. I will be doing some tests on my end and will get back to you.
hi Moazam Saleem, What you have shown in your screenshot, and setting page size to 1 has worked in my tests. I think I'll need some additional info to understand your setup better. Can you join my ...
take note that SKU should match. When there are matrix child items, use the following formula for the SKU column in the search. CASE NVL({parent},'0') WHEN '0' THEN{displayname} ELSE SUBSTR({itemi...
These are the steps to retrieve order info using a rest client such as ARC or POSTMAN. Get a token first by using the Magento admin username and password. Enter the following format as a POST. ht...