Hi - would it be possible to add some further detail as to how to set up the pagination within a Celigo flow so we can get the predefined export query to return ALL products. Currently it stops af...
Couple of observations / questionsOn the weight solution - I had configured the weight unit mapping as a static lookup - would that not work just as well as the long compare statement?I am also try...
Just a quick update on this: I am currently looking at building this as a scheduled script within NetSuite instead of trying to trigger the execution on demand post completion of the GET stock from...
Hi Tyler Thanks for responding so fast. I justed edited the query to include an overview of the flow. Due to limitations on what I can define for the supplier lookup I have to start from a item sea...
Hi all I am trying to execute a script in NetSuite after a flow completes. I have been trying to use a postSubmit hook but get the following error: "invalid postSubmit hook response: expecting cano...