I am trying to list all contacts from HubSpot, and their API endpoint has a rate limit. I get the error 'TEN_SECONDLY_ROLLING' which means I need to limit the number of requests. Is there a way to ...
Tyler Lamparter Is it ok for you to help me with the pre-save script that you referred to earlier where in the idea of converting the records in a page to a single array of records. I am unable to ...
Thank you Tyler Lamparter. Doesnt the {{#each}} loop introduce the same performance hiccup?
Thank you Rohit Prasad. Is there an estimated timeline for this release?
Is there a better way to import data into Microsoft SQL server OR Azure SQL for the matter? At the moment the records are being inserted one by one, rather we would like to explore if there are opt...
This really helped me. The major breakthrough is ` Additionally, make sure you have the blobKey path (from your response mapping) specified under advanced settings.` Learning here is: Celigo stores...
Based on the article here: https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045174232-Example-file-transfer-Salesforce-to-NetSuite-in-integrator-io-beta-`bloblKey` seems to be the default key holding a...
Tyler Lamparter Any inputs here? I am trying to sync user images from ADP to Azure.
Joe Hottinger Can you help me here with a screenshot of the next upload/ transfer step to the Netsuite there? Just want to see what goes in the body of the request.
Tyler Lamparter No, we are using Azure SQL server database.