Community members earn the Engaged badge for posting an integration question or challenge.
This badge is awarded if you passed the Celigo University Level 4: Legendary exam.
Community members earn the Awesome Follow-up badge for taking the time to post how a problem was resolved in the spirit of helping others.
Completed the Amazon-NetSuite IA Certification.
Completed the eBay-NetSuite IA Certification.
Completed the Salesforce-NetSuite IA Certification.
Completed the Shopify-NetSuite IA Certification.
Completed the Walmart-NetSuite IA Certification.
Has strong competencies in the software implementation and integration domains. Celigo trusts these Solution Providers to both sell and implement a subset of our products. These partners are certified from a sales and implementation perspective on a product by product basis to ensure their knowledge of the Celigo value proposition, use cases, and implementation methodology.