I believe I understand the concept of export and real-time for fetching data on NetSuite. However, I'm sure if my use case is possible: I wanted to query a customer's credit hold (or balance), on d...
Got it. Would all flows that run in sequence receive the same payload? If so, I'd have to call the first with all data necessary to all of them, right? Thanks!
Thanks again, Scott. I don't need a real-time flow. ...and the delta flows should all run together, and you can link the flows to run right after each other in the correct order... What do you me...
Hello! I'm seeking for advice on what the best approach to create invoices in NetSuite is. As you might know, in order to create invoices, we have to have entities added to NetSuite beforehand (cus...
Thanks again, Scott, for the very detailed response! I'll give it a go.
Hi again! I'm wondering if it's possible to send or retrieve NetSuite import errors. If an error occurs we can see it somewhere else other than the Integrator dashboard. Elastic's Kibana, for examp...
Please, take a look at the pic:
Hi! I'm having a hard time adding POs to vendor bills using the Integrator. I'm able to create the bills, but can't find a way to add POs as related documents. I'm also expecting that if this is po...
It works! I appreciate your help!
Thanks, Scott. That makes a lot of sense. However, I can't select the other field in the filter. The select input is empty (see pic below). Is it because my source is a webhook? How can I solve thi...