Marshall Taylor Once the import is created using a specific SuiteScript version, there is no way to switch the same to another because of the complexity involved. Instead, you will need to create a...
Hi Aishwarya M J We have identified this issue and this is going to be fixed as part of our April release, which is scheduled to release on 16/17th of April.
Hi Aishwarya M J We have identified this issue and this is going to be fixed as part of our April release, which is scheduled to release on 16/17th of April.
Steve Klett, looking at the error message you shared, it seems like the system is trying to reference a resource in the destination integration that might have been altered. In order to understand ...
Hello Steve Klett, We have this support already in mapper 2.0, where you can see the field greyed out after it is selected. However, mapper 2.0 is currently not available for NetSuite and we are wo...
Hi Bahman Ashtari, As Kathyana Queeman mentioned, ILM (Integration Lifecycle Management) is the right solution for you in this situation and what is recommended by us. This works like a versioning ...
Hello Raul Bernales, It is not possible to merge the data from two sources into a single CSV at this time. For now, you can create a single saved search in NetSuite with two statuses (if the fields...
Hello Dextara Admin, Can you please provide more details on the use case? Is this request for Salesforce or NetSuite or any other application? Where are you seeing the issue? Can you provide screen...
Hi Shreya Singh, Are you still planning to build a new connector? Do let us know if you are looking to and we can connect on the possibilities. Thanks!
Hi Jacob Flatter, As of now, NetSuite doesn't support creating 'Intercompany Sales Orders' using Web Services integration or SuiteScript. So, we can't automate the use case of creating these record...