Additionally, here are my result mappings.
Nate- Thank you for the continued help on this. For your lookup response field, I know there are certain prefixes to choose from (i.e. data, errors, ignored, etc), but is what you put after that co...
Looks like the code block didnt work to capture the query too nice so trying again below! select IntPS__Social_Security_Number__c, IntPS__Date_Of_Birth__c, Plan_Member_SFID__c from IntPS__Patient...
Thanks Nate... this really made it click. I am receiving a malformed query error now (unexpected token) when I query, It does work when I preview the data from AFE 1.0, but then when I actually run...
Thank you both for the help. I am struggling to understand the {{record.Birthday}} portion of the SOQL statement in the lookup. If I am pulling in three fields from the same object, should this be ...
Thank you so much Nate. I am just getting started on this. For the lookup, which option would be most appropriate?
Kelly- This worked and the data is posting correctly now. Thanks again for all of the help on this and your responsiveness.
Thanks so much for the help on this Tyler, I feel like I am getting close! It is working perfectly in the playground, but when I insert the handlebars into the flow (copy and paste from playground...
This did the trick! Thank you so much. Now I need to figure out how to combine the two digit year onto it, so for example a credit card that has an expiration of May 2026 will feed into salesforce ...
Thank you both for the help. I sincerely appreciate it. Will both of these methods work for mapping multiple months? For example, I have one flow built out, but will be receiving credit card paymen...