Has there been any update on the 'overwrite' feature for the Sales Rep, when the Sales Rep is being pulled from the Parent Customer, however when the eBay integration is ran it is 'replacing' the s...
We haven't been able to resolve this yet, so I thought we could reach out to the community. We have the eBay - NS integration working relatively smoothly and we are on the last two hurdles to over...
This has been resolved. Paul was terrific. Thank you for all the help.
We are on Chrome Version 88.0.4324.182 (Official Build) (64-bit) please advise how to 'work around' this in testing directly in an integration job.
We have the Ebay-NS integration set up in Integrator.io. The Ebay export is pulling data correctly. When attempting to set up the NS Import the only choice for order is Fulfillment - orders which...