Hi Arpitha, Depending on your account entitlements/license (assuming you have a Sandbox), you toggle between integrator.io Production and Sandbox. From Sandbox, simply create a Connection to your ...
Hi Kevin, thanks, we will add this to the backlog. BTW, I was on Office Hours yesterday and I know you were struggling a bit with the paging. I will reach out directly. Thanks, Matt
Hi Damon Betlow, FYI, we just patched this so the cloud/on-prem option shows properly in the new UI. Thanks again for point it out!
Hi Damon Betlow, I think this is a bug, since that option is available in the legacy UI: For now, please switch back to the legacy UI (from the avatar), create the connection there, and then you...
Anthony Rosenkrantz -- I edited Courtney Jordan's earlier response, so just tagging you here explicitly to be sure you're notified. Thanks,Matt
Glad that worked for you, Jim. That, and more! There are a wide range of macro functions you can use, see https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039326071-Handlebars-Library. -Matt
Hi Jim, You wrote: If I'm using a map, I can specify options if the data is missing, but there's no way to do that in an SQL query. There is in fact a way to do that. In your SQL query builde...
Hi Morgan Health, If you're seeing the behavior as described, that would be a bug. Could you please file a Support ticket with more details so we can check this out? I would suggest recording a sho...
Hi Menno, what you've entered looks fine here, assuming the username and password are correct, and assuming that user has access to JIRA APIs. I assume JIRA would return a 401 in that case too... I...
Hi Brian, This is Matt, head of Product at Celigo. The following code iterates over each record in the data[] array and simply concatenates the pieces of the number with the additional characters. ...