Owner of NetValue Technology. Find us at netvaluetech.com We offer integration implementation and support services for NetSuite, Shopify, 3PL and SalesForce integrations.
Hello - I'm working with a client that wants to delay syncing new shopify orders to allow initial customer edits to be captured. I implemented the "Sync orders created prior to" setting on their ...
Hi, I'm probably late to the party on this but I was wonder the logic being mapping the shopify order_number field instead of the name to Celigo's Shopify Order Number field. Definitions: order_nu...
Hi, I'm getting this error message from NetSuite in many different custom flows and IAs at all of my clients. Target service might be inactive. [connect ECONNREFUSED] Is everyone...
Hi, We are going to implement a new integration with a 3PL that has URL based API. All the data is sent in a GET request with URL parameters. We did some testing and found that there's a 2048 byte...
HI - There's a question that's being scored incorrectly on the level 3 exam. Can someone contact me about this please??
Hi There, I wanted to see if anyone has suggestions for this. Our client has a loyalty tracking system called Annex Cloud and customers will be able to pay with points. I'm assuming we'll need to ...
Hey Guys, The hubspot connector works really well. I like it a lot. I have found one small problem with the Contacts API Import to hubspot. When using it with the V3 version of the API, the email...
Hi Everyone, I created an integration level setting to store the bucked ID for imports and exports using amazon S3. I then put this handlebar expression into the Bucket Name filed on the imports a...
I just found out today that only the Account Owner can view stacks in IO. I think the Admin role should be able to see this data as well. We had an issue that last for 7 days. The stack being u...
Hi, Periodically, I've come across running flows that have been running in-progress for many hours when they normally take just a few minutes. The job is "stuck" in in-progress and only partially ...