So we have 'Overwrite taxes with Shopify Tax Amounts' set, however NetSuite recalcs and the balance is in etail variance. Is it possible to just take the tax that shopify charges and have NetSuite...
Hi Stephen, Thank you, please let me know what you find and if I should open a ticket Brian
Hi Stephen, once again thank you for your help. Every record has a link to the file, I think one of my issues was that the search results were only displaying the name of the file without a way to...
Hi Stephen, this has been very helpful so far, thank you, I'm running into the error: Mismatch in the length of the data and the files array on step 2, I am getting records that look like this: {"r...
Hi Stephen, Thank you for your help, I have an export from NetSuite, looking up the custom record type, using a saved search to identify the records that are 'Pending Upload', when I preview data ...
I have a custom record for shipment requests to our 3PL, a script creates these records and they are in the status of 'Pending Upload' and there is a custom field that holds the link to the file, I...
Hi Matt, Thank you for your help. Brian
I need to convert phone number from a string, ie 3334445555 into a formatted number, (333) 444-5555 in order to match customer in NetSuite. My input data is: "data": [ { ... "Store Phone Number...