The goal is to get a new value of TotalBoxesperPallet from BoxesperPallet values in each row.If that is still your goal, you can totalize the BoxesperPallet with a single line of code: // @Celigo ...
Tyler Lamparter I appreciate the support. Things are feeling a little more normal. The flow that was running much slower is 6708ad973695a9247b10293d, import 670e04bed19432698b44de2c
Flow errors are also taking a very long time to show up (maybe not at all?). I've been waiting for 9 minutes so far for an error to show up.Is the team working on whatever is still wrong? Any ETA?
Hi Tyler Lamparter FYI the system doesn't feel like it's running normally. I'm seeing steps that normally take a couple-few seconds taking multiple minutes to complete. I'm glad they're completing,...
Thanks Tyler Lamparter
Connections are going right into “Waiting in queue…”. Can't get anything done. Cancelling and retrying simply increases the queue size.Can we get an update on when this is expected to be fixed?I'm ...
Hi Everyone,I'm stuck trying to make a routine change to a flow. I needed to change the field used for a “Once” export on a NetSuite Export and the field list will not pull in my new field. I've re...
Hi Kathyana,I didn't notice the button at the bottom because I didn't scroll to the bottom. I wonder how many people do scroll to the bottom?In the Community section the New post button is up top (...
Hi Praveen Kumar Reddy Basani I just checked and the clone of the flow that support created was able to produce the error. Were the nlapi logs obtained from that test or do you still want me to try...
Turns out this is a bug with the SuiteScript 2.0 SuiteApp. Re-creating the import with SS 1.0 works fine.Thanks David Gollom for the suggestion!