Ah, ok. I just noticed something else -- otherrefnum is an integer field, so you have to use "equalto" instead of "is" in the filter.
Hi Cory, It's possible that you have inactive records with the same "otherrefnum" (usually PO# on a sales order), or that you have a multi-subsidiary NetSuite and the flow was checking all subsidia...
Hi Chris, The below handlebar should do what you need. If this is a subarray, you also need to wrap an {{#each line_items}} around it. Note that whatever field you're mapping this to is going to ge...
I believe these built-in helpers would also work for your use-case without needing a custom one, but I do also hope that at one point custom helpers will be configurable. <supplierSKUId>{{#each con...
Hi Steve, if that is the case, where you can't just take out the config XML elements from your template and list all the elements in order of the config array using the #each helper, which would ma...
Hi Steve, There is no way currently to add custom helpers. I am unsure exactly what your output should be here, but would this handlebar work for you?{{#each config}}<{{name}}>{{value}}</{{name}}>{...
Justin Lee, You can use a preSave JS hook (on the export) to iterate over all data objects. The caveat is that it can be limited from the maximum page size from your source data. Taking NetSuite as...
Hi Wade, You aren't missing something. It's currently unsupported to parse the file data from the NetSuite file cabinet, but as you said, you could have one flow putting the files on an FTP, and an...
Hello, you just have to use a "." before the star syntax: {{{result.styles.[*].item_number}}}
The ability to use libraries such as moment.js() in integrator.io JS hooks would be appreciated.Note: This is a duplicate of https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360068134651-Support-fo...