this is the formula that I am now using for this. I received errors for the old formula with a couple of random orders that had a million failed transactions, could never figure out why it errored ...
David Gollom this works and its much shorter. Thanks for bringing that up! {{#each transactionData}}{{#contains status "success"}}{{{id}}}{{/contains}}{{/each}}
Didn't try that, let me know if that works! Would certainly be shorter. I used some documentation celigo provided for the notes attributes, and formatted it in a similar way to that as well as othe...
Update Etail Transaction Id(s) mapping to the following formula: {{#each transactionData}}{{#contains status "success"}}{{{id}}}{{/contains}}{{/each}}
Any updates on this enhancement?
Can you please provide the link to the added documentation for this? Thank you!
Hi Khaisar, The client actually isn't actually syncing inventory levels back and forth from NS to Shopify, they are only using the Shopify Product Id to NetSuite Item Mass Update flow to create the...
Does anyone know of a way to "Ignore" archived Shopify SKUs when running the Shopify Product Id to NetSuite Item Mass Update flow? Since there are items setup in Shopify that are not setup in NetSu...