Hi Vadim Koroliov We only make the {code: '', message: '', source: ''} available for an error. Let us know if you're having trouble configuring an error management strategy within those parameters....
NetSuite plans to deprecate WSDL version 2018.1 as part of their upcoming 2025.1 release. To ensure there are no interruptions to your flows, you must update your NetSuite connections to any WSDL ...
Dan Rascoll Thanks for letting the community know how you were able to resolve the error. This solution is likely to help other Celigo customers in the future.
Brian Reed Thanks for catching this. It should say:A user with monitor permissions can't view or edit account settings, invite users, or change permissions for users, but a user with manage permiss...
Steve Klett I deleted the previous content and linked to the release notes page. I'll not delete this post in case community participants want a forum to discuss releases going forward. Thanks for ...
Hi Steve Klett, The latest release notes are available here:https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/28267780762907-Celigo-platform-2024-8-1-release-notes and all previous release notes can be fou...
What's new Select fields to exclude before merging integration changes When leveraging integration lifecycle management (ILM), you can now merge changes selectively by ignoring specific fields d...
Thanks for catching this Marcelo Borges. I've revised the article to reflect current behavior.
What's new Celigo AI for transformations Designed to streamline and accelerate the development process across a variety of integration scenarios, Celigo AI for Transformations 2.0 will bridge know...
The Celigo platform requires you to revise the timestamp handlebars helper on imports. This is because in most cases throughout the Celigo platform, if the timestamp handlebars helper is used but ...