I cant sign up to office hours without completing a bunch of Celigo University course work that I dont have time for.
Thanks Cory, Its always the simple things
Whats the "Some issue" Honestly I've been instructed to use the http connection type in most cases vs the Rest API lookup. (are there any screenshots you can share without breaching any privacy co...
So follow up, if the field is completely bkank (no formula or function specified), that is when the columns dont come down to integrator. If I add a "" to the formula field, it at least sends the c...
Yeah, they all have custom labels, they are predominantly blank (placeholder columns) needed to match a schema thats strict about columns and order. All of these columns above, should display b...
When exporting a saved search from Netsuite, and columns that are "Formula(Text)" do not export. They are completely missing from the result, is there a setting I am missing?
I am guessing that even if this can work, that it wont because the url itself is too long, I get this error: The maximum size of the field: http.ping.relativeURI in the Connection document should b...
I have a flow that uses http to create a report request, and it then does a lookup with the requestID to get the download link, I transform at the end of the flow to just pull the ExportLink (as I ...
Thanks Dan, Thats exactly what I was looking for.
Instead of exporting the rows in the saved search. I want to just get a count for the number of rows there are. For example. Saved search of transactions, returns 1000 rows to Integrator to pass al...