Group Product Manager
Hello Steve,We totally understand every user/ person has their own level of comfort with AI in their daily tasks. At Celigo, believe AI is more like an assistant to your flow-building journey for i...
Christian Bannard We recently released a feature transformation 2.0 for all exports. You could also try conditional logic in the handlebars expression there. An example would look like the image be...
Thank you! we will take your valuable inputs into consideration for future releases.
Bas van Ditzhuijzen Celigo doesn't support filtering using JSONPath expressions at this time.
We have one with this name - Pause and Resume flow: Add time delay.
Hello Steve, You could achieve that using handlebars expression in Mapper 2.0. This article should help. Note: Handlebars expression syntax is the same as AFE editors in the product and does not us...
Thank you for confirmation. For the above use case, I would recommend the flow design like this: Export (Get data from ADP) >> Lookup (Lookup values in Azure) >> Import (Add date to Azure)I also wa...
Is step 2 a lookup call where you are fetching data based on a field value from ADP? Could you explain what data are you getting in step 2 and how is it dependent on step 1?
Vreddhi Bhat Would you want to wait a specific time before updating a field in Azure AD? If not, you could create another import step to update the Azure AD after you get data from ADP and Azure. H...
Teodora RezaviThank you for sharing your insights. We have this request in our product backlog but not prioritized for a release right now. We will add your use case as an insight to this request. ...