Adriana Zulewski Thank you! I got it dialed in and success!
Justin Bodin Sure! We have a Custom flow that takes the Order from NetSuite and sends it to Shopify to fulfill - meaning the authorize/capture/bill is already completed. So I am not sure if that fl...
Perhaps that is the case with some, but our configuration is better served to have the status as "paid" since in this instance the transactions have already been captured and accounted for. For mor...
Mike Meyer Good call on the backdating on running the flow... Glad the fix worked for you even though it shouldn't - LOL
Mike Meyer Sree Vani Amara Can also confirm the change works on child items for Matrix Flow as well!! Yeesh - now on to modifying 12K products!! WHeeeeee!!
Mike Meyer Sree Vani Amara Can confirm - the change I made to the mapping works as I set up! Just modified the record in NetSuite because we are running Delta on the flow and POOF! Ther...
Mike Meyer Have you tried it without the "inventoryItem"? When I did it I get this: I found a different way of doing it as well after digging back in. I like your method too - wonder if one method is better than the other to use?
Mike Meyer I think I just figured it out!!!! Looks like the Celigo and Shopify API are not communicating with accurate returns from Shopify on the available fields. I will put in a ticket for it an...
Mike The answer is no. There still isn't a way to map the cost over to Shopify. If you look at a product in Shopify and put ".json" at the end of the URL you will see there is no "Cost" or "Cost pe...