Hi there, how I can import "later" payment from Shopify into Netsuite? Cash on delivery case: 1.import Shopify order into NetSuite via flow "Shopify Order to NetSuite Order/CashSale Add" with statu...
Hi there, is there a way how to register new custom Handlebars helper? I've came to the handlebars engine limitation when I cannot use if helper inside multiply helper. I've found workaround for th...
Hi there, I come into situation when I want to do sum of tax rates but only when tax amount is greater than zero... For instance, you can have four different tax rates in US, however for shipping o...
Hello Celigo, is there a way how to register new custom Handlebars helper? I've came to the handlebars engine limitation when I cannot use if helper inside multiply helper. I've found workaround fo...