The BigCommerce - NetSuite integration app supports the following API endpoints for BigCommerce API versions (v2) and (v3). BigCommerce API version v2 The key endpoints that are supported for v2 ar...
Data Flow: NetSuite Fulfillment to Shopify Fulfillment Add Error Message: {"errors":{"tracking_numbers":"expected String to be an Array"}} Reason: The orders fulfilled or billed in NetSuite are ...
What's fixed Refund the correct amount to the customer The Shopify refund to NetSuite refund (add) flow didn’t correctly refund amounts for tax-inclusive orders with negative adjustments. With this...
Data Flow: NetSuite sales order to NetSuite cash sale (add) Error Message: 'Failed to save record because the transaction date you specified is not within the date range of your accounting period.'...
Problem: The following flow runtime error is reported by several customers of integration apps. Connection could not be established. Target service might be inactive. [connect ECONNREFUSED
Error message: Unable to sync order ####### to NetSuite when all the items are removed from the Shopify order. Reason: The order flow is throwing an error when importing an order edit, where all th...
Problem: The following flow runtime error is reported by several customers of integration apps. Error message: Connection could not be established. Target service might be inactive. [connect ECO...
What’s fixed Sync correct tax rates for orders from Magento 2 to NetSuite For a Magento order with overwrite taxes enabled, the Magento Order to NetSuite Order Add flow syncs the tax rates correct...
Q: Why my state code is not updated to NetSuite even when I set it to perform a create operation? In the Salesforce account to NetSuite customer Add/update flow, add the mapping handleStateCode : f...
What’s enhanced Sync tip amounts to NetSuite Square allows tips from customers and offers options for calculating the amounts. To track the tip amounts in NetSuite, a new setting NetSuite item to t...