This is the closest result I can get: "Currency": { "lines": [ { "currency": "{\"1\",\"7\"}" } ] } But obviously I would like "Currency": { "lines...
You can use lookups to extend your data set.
yes, but sometimes it's page_of_records": [ { "record": {Sometimes it's record, sometimes its parent record, sometimes its data. Sometimes options are availble sometimes not...The root of ...
Did anything come of this? It's really frustrating that the payload as a whole isn't accessible. And the payload that is accessible has different structure in the different blocks.
We had that; As it turns out you need to disable the field ‘Use Dynamic Mode’. This option is buggy.
I've not done this myself, but I'd say you do a lookup to that customer and map that combined payload to the Sales Order. You'd need a custom flow for that obviously