Hi Thao, I am able to get the current date as well as reformat an inputted date into your required format of MM-DD using the dateFormat expression. You can see both examples in the screenshot in m...
Hi Thao, It looks like Quickbooks itself does not offer the banking rules via API. Celigo can support API's that are not listed in the UI based drop downs on the Quickbooks connector by switching ...
Hi Damion, When you select delta and select the fields via the drop down checklist IO is trying to help you by automatically adding the date filter on the SOQL statement which is why you see it app...
This indicates to me that the value being passed in the filter is blank and therefore returning multiple records which have blank Invoice number __c fields. The other question I would have is are t...
Hi Aishwarya M J This could be because of how you formatted the lookup filter on the salesforce step. Can you provide a screenshot inside of the filter UI? Also have you check the two salesforce r...
Hi Aishwarya M J, One potential option is to break up the flow into two flows based upon the required business logic to avoid unwanted runs of the flow. First Flow would be a real time listener onl...
Hey Dave, Maybe try changing the application from HTTPs universal connector to the integrator endpoint. The connection might be under there.
Results mapping is for a lookup step (use the results of a lookup in later steps) while response mapping is from an import step (use the data on the record that was just added). That's why it look...
Hi Matthew, You are correct that the "find existing records" criteria is based on the destination record of that particular step. So it would be looking for a field on your custom record to do a l...