There are only three columns that appear on both the 'imports' and 'exports' page, name, application, last updated. It would be nice to have some additional information to help clean up the tiles ...
Matt Graney,Thank you for the suggestion. I will give it a shot. I would wonder if this would cause any concurrency issues with NetSuite. We have three SuiteCloud Plus licenses so I am not worried ...
I was able to get item fulfillment to create from sales orders at one point. its been a minute. I used the internal ID of the NetSuite Item and mapped it to the Field ID: itemkey You also may need ...
Much appreciated, Anitha Abraham.
Tim Heeter, Can I get a vote?
Sometimes you will have flows that need to take priority over other data flows. For example, you may have a flow that exports orders from an e-commerce site to an ERP and you have one that updates ...
I think a dynamic lookup would help you with this.