Hi All, We have new trigger on custom object "invoice Request" in salesforce and it is failing to create new records. trigger InvoiceREQ on Invoice_Request__c (after insert, after update) { inte...
How can I use ignore the response from the lookup and use it to branch records? I tried but it doesn't work.
Flow is when a NetSuite item fulfillment is created --> go and update the related opportunity using Opp Id but when updating the opp i want to check if field1 and field2 are empty. If field1 and fi...
Thank you so much Tyler Lamparter. I wasn't aware we needed push retry data to newErrorsAndRetryData.
Hi, I have created preSavePage script to validate and show an error when one of the field is null. This script runs after data is extracted from snowflake query. the error doesn't show retry data. ...