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Oracle Supplier Network – NetSuite Quickstart integration template

This document informs you about the various manual configurations that you need to perform on both OSN and NetSuite to synchronize deals and their updates effectively using


  •  OSN Authorization, Purchase Order, Invoice, and Advance Ship Notice: 

1. Login to the OSN portal and navigate to Messaging > Messaging.


2. Under Transaction Management, add the Purchase Order, Invoice, and Advance Ship  Notice.

3. Under Communication Parameters, click the edit icon beside HTTPS URL Connection to enter appropriate URL (to which the data needs to be sent), Basic Authentication Username and Basic Authentication Password. Enter Custom webhook URL and give the same credentials which are used in configuration of (Flow A).


  • NetSuite Authorization: You would require the Username and Password of your NetSuite account along with appropriate permissions.
  • Setup/Configuration: For this flows to run smooth the following conditions must be met.

1. All the trading partners of the suppliers should be present as Customers in NetSuite and their network IDs and email IDs must match in both NetSuite and OSN.

2. All the active catalog listings of the Supplier in the OSN needs to be configured as Items in NetSuite.

Note: If you need Ship Notices to be created on the OSN using the Item Fulfillment records in NetSuite, mark those items as fulfillable.

3. All the communication of the OSN system requires configuration to receive appropriate messages from an external source for updating the transaction and for exporting the information to an external source.

4. Install the Celigo Oracle Supplier Network NetSuite bundle in your NetSuite account.


OSN Purchase Order to NetSuite Sales Order

Whenever the Supplier receives a purchase order from the vendor, OSN exports the data to This data, which is exported from OSN, is of the customized XML format with nodes adhering to the Open Applications Group (OAG) schema. This information is then transformed to the required JSON format to facilitate the NetSuite Sales Order record mapping.

Customer Lookup: Supplier manually configures the Customer records in NetSuite. OSN Partner SoldTo address’s email is used for finding the NetSuite Customer email ID.

Item Lookup: Supplier manually configures the Item records in NetSuite.

NetSuite Item Fulfillment to OSN Ship Notice

NetSuite Item Fulfillment to OSN Ship Notice is a scheduled flow that picks all the qualified, recently-created, unexported, and shipped Item Fulfillment records in NetSuite and sends to OSN to create Ship Notices. This information is sent to OSN in the cXML standard format. When this request reaches OSN, it sends notice to the vendor about the Supplier shipment information.

1. NetSuite Saved Search that picks all the qualified, recently-created, unexported, and shipped Item Fulfillment records in NetSuite:

The following image illustrates the Saved search Criteria.


The following image illustrates the Saved Search Columns.


2.  OSN EndPoint Url:

This flow includes the following data in the request to OSN.

1. Line Item Details

1.1. Order item reference

1.2. Quantities

2. Tracking Details

2.1. Carrier

2.2. Tracking number

3. Purchase Order Reference

NetSuite Invoice to OSN Invoice

NetSuite Invoice to OSN Invoice is a scheduled flow that picks all the qualified, recently-created, open, and unexported invoice records in NetSuite and sends them to OSN to generate invoices against the Order Buyer. This information is sent to OSN in the cXML format.

1. NetSuite Saved Search that picks all the qualified, recently-created, open, and unexported invoice records in NetSuite.

The following image illustrates the Saved Search Criteria.


The following image illustrates the Saved Search Results.


2. OSN EndPoint URL:

This flow includes the following data in the request to OSN

1. Line Item Details

1.1. Order item reference

1.2. Quantities

1.3. Rates

1.4. Unit of measure

2. Partner Address

2.1. Shipping Address

2.1.1. ShipFrom

2.1.2. ShipTo

2.2. Remit Address

2.3. Billing Address

2.4. SoldTo Address

3. SubTotal

4. Shipping Cost

5. Gross Total

6. Net Total

7. Invoice document number


1. Multi-Currencies are unsupported. This template doesn’t support importing or exporting transactions done in currency other than the base currency in NetSuite.

2. While exporting invoices flow, we export only a single payment method, and while importing we do not fetch the payment information.

Note: You can configure multiple payment methods that are supported by the OSN in the payment node.

Reference Documents

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