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Sync order refund records from NetSuite to BigCommerce

You can refund a BigCommerce order by creating a NetSuite cash refund or credit memo transaction using the NetSuite Refund to BigCommerce Refund Add flow. The flow syncs the refund processing information such as refund amount and quantity refunded to BigCommerce along with updating the order status as Refunded or Partially Refunded. The flow refunds individual order line items and the complete order. The flow also refunds only the shipping amount and custom amount.

Note: The NetSuite Refund to BigCommerce Refund Add flow is available only in the premium edition of the integration app.

Understand the flow

The NetSuite Refund to BigCommerce Refund Add flow exports the refund record (cash refund or credit memo) based on the selected saved search in the NetSuite Saved Search for syncing order refunds drop-down setting. For all the exported records the flow syncs the refund information and updates the status on the BigCommerce order. The flow gets the order ID, item ID, quantity, and item type from the NetSuite refund record and gets the refund quote details from BigCommerce. The flow gets refund quote details from BigCommerce such as total_refund_amount, total_refund_tax_amount, and refund_amounts. The flow updates the BigCommerce order with refund details such as refund quantity for each line item, total refund amount, and refund method.

Note: The flow does not sync back the refund ID to NetSuite for a refund. 


BigCommerce limitations:
  • Refunding multiple payment gateways (split refunds) is not supported.
  • Store credit will not be shown as a refund option when an order is paid using a non-default currency.
  • Store credit can only be used as a refund option on orders from customers with storefront accounts. Guest orders cannot be refunded as store credit.
    Example: While placing an order, if you made the payment using a credit card and remaining with store credit, BigCommerce refunds the order amount completely as a store credit in this scenario.
  • Refunding items via return request is not supported.

Configure flow settings and run the flow

  1. In the BigCommerce - NetSuite integration app, go to Settings > Refund.
  2. From the NetSuite Saved Search for syncing order refunds drop-down menu, select the appropriate saved search. This is a mandatory setting.
  3. Go to Flows > Refund
  4. Next to the NetSuite Refund to BigCommerce Refund Add flow, enable the On/Off toggle button, and run the flow.

Understand the BigCommerce order refund 

When you run the NetSuite Refund to BigCommerce Refund Add flow, the flow syncs the following information to BigCommerce:

  • Refund quantity
  • Refund shipping amount
  • Order status as refunded or partially refunded
  • Total refund amount
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