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Sync billing NetSuite to BigCommerce

Merchants have two options when it comes to capturing order payments via BigCommerce - NetSuite Integration App:

  1. Authorize & capture at the time of sale 
  2. Authorize in BigCommerce & capture in NetSuite

In the first case, you need to configure this on the BigCommerce payment gateway settings. And the billing integration flow from NetSuite to BigCommerce can be disabled as an order already paid for when it is brought into NetSuite. To auto-create cash sales/invoices in NetSuite, you would enable the auto-billing flows from NetSuite Order to NetSuite Cash Sale/Invoice.


In the second case, the Integration App pulls the transaction id on the BigCommerce order into NetSuite which can be used to capture payments as long as you have the same payment gateway configured on both NetSuite & BigCommerce.  Once the payment is captured in NetSuite, the billing integration flow from NetSuite to BigCommerce would mark the order as paid in BigCommerce.

The third scenario where you would bring the authorized order in NetSuite and then would like to capture funds on BigCommerce post fulfillment in NetSuite is not supported because BigCommerce API only allows marking the order as Paid in BigCommerce & does not trigger any payment capture.

This billing integration flow exports the orders from NetSuite which are marked as “Billed” into BigCommerce. Once an order is marked as Billed in NetSuite and you run this flow, the status of the same orders in Big Commerce is updated as “Completed” by the Integration App.

When orders are imported from BigCommerce to NetSuite, In the NetSuite Billing section, the ETAIL ORDER BILLING EXPORTED check box remains unchecked for orders that are created as Authorize only, while for orders already captured in BigCommerce, this field is displayed as checked.


BigCommerce Payment Gateways that allow "Authorize Only" are as follows:

  • Braintree*
  • Cybersource (non-hosted)
  • CynergyData
  • E-xact
  • First Data Global Gateway e4*
  • Heartland Payment Systems
  • NetBilling
  • NMI
  • PayLeap
  • PayPal Express
  • PayPal Payflow Pro
  • PayPal Website Payments Pro*
  • PSIGate
  • Sage Pay/Protx VSP Direct
  • Stripe*
  • Simplify
  • QBMS v2*

*Only these payment gateways allow capturing funds from the BigCommerce Control Panel. For all others, log into your payment gateway's virtual terminal to capture funds.

Billing Settings:
NetSuite Saved Search for syncing Billing details: The drop-down list displays the saved search pertaining to billed order that is created in NetSuite. Select the desired saved search from the list. Click Refresh to fetch the billed orders that have not been imported from NetSuite to BigCommerce. 


  • This flow does not support partially billed orders.
  • This flow is only supported with the standard (previously "premium") edition of the Integration App.
  • It is assumed that the Fulfillment process is handled in NetSuite before the order is billed.
  • For all the orders that are directly captured at the time of sale, Auto-Billing data flows bills them in NetSuite and the Billing Export flow ignores them.
  • Billing flow only marks the order as Paid in BigCommerce & does not trigger any payment capture.
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