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Set up an OAuth 2.0 connection to Zoom

Zoom is a cloud-based communication platform that allows users to connect via audio, video, phone, and chat.

Set up a connection

This video demonstrates creating a Zoom connection.

After you start the connection, configure it in the Create connection panel and complete all of the required * authentication settings: 

Setting Instructions
Name your connection * Enter a clear and distinguishable name. Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection. A unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting it from a list of the connections in your account.
OAuth 2.0 client *

Select the OAuth 2.0 client that stores the client ID and client secret provided to you by Zoom.
Fetch data How to retrieve the client ID and client secret
To add an OAuth 2.0 client and configure your credentials, click the plus (+) button. Click the edit ( ) button to modify a selected OAuth 2.0 client.
Fetch data How to create OAuth 2.0 client in

Tip: This connector documentation describes only the settings shown for the Simple view. For the corresponding HTTP settings, see OAuth 2.0 auth universal connector documentation.

Create OAuth app

  1. Sign in to your Zoom developer account.
  2. Navigate to
  3. From the Develop menu, click Build app. The Choose your app type page appears.
  1. Select the OAuth tile and click Create. The Create an Oauth app message appears.
  1. Enter App name.
  2. Select the required App type, either Account-level app or User-managed app.
  3. Click Create.

Retrieve OAuth app credentials

  1. From your App page, navigate to the App credentials section.
  2. Copy Client ID.
  3. Copy Client secret.
  4. Enter the Redirect URL.
    • For NA:
    • For EU: https://eu․
  5. Add to the Allow list.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Review the Information, Feature sections, and navigate to the Scopes section.
  8. Click +Add scopes, select the required scopes, and click Done.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Review the Activation section.
  1. Name (required): Enter the required iClient name.
  2. Client ID (required): Enter client ID (retrieved from the above section).
  3. Client secret (required): Enter client secret (retrieved from the above section). Multiple layers of protection are in place, including AES 256 encryption, to keep your connection’s client secret safe. When editing the iClient at any point, you must enter the secret value again; it is stored only when the connection is saved and never displayed as text.
  4. Click Save.

Save and authorize

To save and authorize the Zoom connection:

  1. Click Save & authorize to commit your changes and proceed to sign in with Zoom.
  2. Read the app information and click Allow.

Additional references

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