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Migrate your Zoom connection authentication type from JWT to OAuth 2.0

Zoom is going to deprecate the JWT authentication type and recommends using OAuth 2.0 authentication instead. The JWT app type authorization will be disabled from September 01, 2023. Hence, all Zoom administrators should migrate connections that were configured with the JWT authentication to OAuth 2.0 at the earliest opportunity.

As part of this migration, Celigo will remove the JWT authentication type in the Zoom connection with the 2023.7.1 release, scheduled for early July 2023. 

This article explains the deprecation timelines and how to migrate the Zoom connection authentication type from JWT to OAuth 2.0 in

Zoom documentation: JWT app type migration guide
Additional reference Set up an OAuth 2.0 connection to Zoom

Deprecation and migration timelines

The following table provides the deprecation and migration dates:

Release Action
June 01, 2023 Developers will not be able to create JWT app types
Early July 2023 Celigo will remove the JWT authentication type in the Zoom connection page
September 01, 2023 Zoom will disable the JWT app type authorization

Migrate the connection authentication from JWT to OAuth 2.0

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to Resources > Connections.
  3. Search for an existing Zoom connection, from the Actions overflow ... menu, and select Edit connection.
  1. In Application details, from the Authentication type list, select OAuth 2.0.
  1. To create iClient, click the plus (+) button. The Create iClient tab appears.
  2. Provide a Name, Client ID, and Client secret that are received after creating the Zoom OAuth 2.0 client. 
  3. Click Save.
  4. Redirect URL (read-only): Copy this redirect URL to provide directions to Zoom for where to go after authentication. (This URL should be whitelisted with the authorization server.)

Create OAuth app

  1. Sign in to your Zoom developer account.
  2. Navigate to
  3. From the Develop menu, click Build app. The Choose your app type page appears.
  1. Select the OAuth tile and click Create. The Create an Oauth app message appears.
  1. Enter App name.
  2. Select the required App type, either Account-level app or User-managed app.
  3. Click Create.

Retrieve OAuth app credentials

  1. From your App page, navigate to the App credentials section.
  2. Copy Client ID.
  3. Copy Client secret.
  4. Enter the Redirect URL.
  5. Add to the Allow list.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Review the Information, Feature sections, and navigate to the Scopes section.
  1. Click +Add scopes, select the required scopes, and click Done.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Review the Activation section.
  1. Click Save & authorize to commit your changes and proceed to sign in with Zoom.
  2. Read the app information and click Allow.
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