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Amazon - NetSuite integration app release notes, 2023.3.1

What’s enhanced

Offset time to sync FBA returns setting added in FBA returns add-on

The Offset time to sync FBA returns setting has been added to the Amazon (FBA) returns to NetSuite RA and item receipts flow (part of the FBA returns add-on). Enter a value in minutes to wait before syncing Amazon FBA returns. Amazon recommends a value of 4320 (= 72 hours or 3 days).

Example: If the start date and time is set as 08:00 AM, 04th January; current date and time is 05:00 PM, 07th January; and you entered the value as 4320, the returns will be synced from 08:00 AM, 01st January till 05:00 PM, 04th January.

You can set a value of more than or less than the recommended value of 4320 ( = 72 hours or 3 days) as needed. If the value is set more than the recommended value, say 5760 ( = 96 hours or 4 days), existing records may get synced again for the time duration that exceeds the recommended value. If the value is set less than the recommended value, say 2880 ( = 48 hours or 2 days), records may be skipped for the time duration that is less than the recommended value.

INFORMATION: After the Amazon - NetSuite integration app is updated to the latest version, the Amazon (FBA) returns to NetSuite RA and item receipts flow syncs no records to NetSuite for three days.

For more information, see Manage your Amazon FBA returns (add-on).

Product category template revised

We have added support to the following subcategories in the France (FR) and Netherlands (NL) marketplaces. You can also map Country of origin for the following categories in the Germany (DE) marketplace. To view the detailed list of marketplaces and product categories supported, see Supported Amazon marketplaces and product categories.

Amazon Marketplaces Product categories
France (FR)
  • Home
Germany (DE)
  • Home
  • Kitchen

Note: Country of origin can be mapped for these categories.

Netherlands (NL)
  • Kitchen


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