The Square - NetSuite quickstart integration template (NA | EU) lets you integrate Square with NetSuite. The integration template comprises a set of pre-built integration flows. These flows help you sync items, customers, orders, refunds, and sales between Square and NetSuite.
Supported integration flows
The Celigo quickstart bundle contains workflows you can easily configure and deploy without coding or IT support. The following built-in flows sync from the specified source data to the corresponding destination.
Square to NetSuite
Flows |
Square customers to NetSuite customers |
Square orders to NetSuite Sales orders |
Square refunds to NetSuite cash refunds |
Square sales to NetSuite cash sales |
NetSuite to Square
Flows |
NetSuite items to Square items |
Gather your credentials
Before you begin
Keep your Square and NetSuite account credentials ready:
Square – verify APIs and Authorization
- Before you set up a Square connection below, ensure that you have the API and authentication details for your Square app.
- Refer to the Square help documentation to learn more about APIs and Authorization.
NetSuite – verify APIs and Authorization
- Before you set up a NetSuite connection below, ensure that you have the API and authentication details for your NetSuite app.
- Refer to the NetSuite help documentation to learn more about APIs and Authorization.
Install the Square – NetSuite template
- From the Square Marketplace options, select the NetSuite template and click Install.
- Review the template’s contents and ReadMe and click Install now to begin.
- Add your credentials and install the NetSuite bundle (bundle ID: 418445).
- Install the template.
Configure the Square – NetSuite flows
Additional record mapping is required to integrate the template’s exports and imports with your Square and NetSuite apps.
Note that all of your flows are disabled when first installed. After configuring the flows, you may enable them in your Flows dashboard or in Flow Builder with the Off/On toggle button. Then run or schedule each flow.
Square customers to NetSuite customers
This integration flow syncs customers between Square and NetSuite.
Setup instructions
- Add subsidiary mappings as required in the NetSuite customer’s import flow.
- Configure the mappings for Individual, Status (InternalId), Custom Form (InternalId), and Address Book: Replace All Lines as required.
Import NetSuite customers field mappings
Export field (Square) | Import field (NetSuite) |
“true” | Individual |
given_name | Name |
family_name | lastname |
“13” | Status (InternalId) (Field ID: entitystatus.internalid) |
email_address | |
phone_number | Phone |
company_name | Company Name |
“3” | Subsidiary (InternalId) |
“35” | Custom Form (InternalId) |
“true” | Address Book : Replace All Lines |
address.locality | Address Book : City |
address.administrative_district_level_1 | Address Book : State |
address.postal_code | Address Book : Zip |
address.address_line_1 | Address Book : Address 1 |
address.address_line_2 | Address Book : Address 2 | | Address Book : Country (InternalId) |
Square orders to NetSuite Sales orders
This integration flow syncs orders between Square and NetSuite.
Setup instructions
- Add subsidiary mappings in the NetSuite customer’s import flow.
- Configure mapping for Individual and Address Book: Replace All Lines as required in NetSuite customers' import flow.
Import NetSuite customers import mappings
Export field (Square) | Import field (NetSuite) |
“true” | Individual |
customer.given_name | Name |
customer.family_name | lastname |
customer.email_address | |
customer.phone_number | Phone |
“true” | Address Book : Replace All Lines |
“3” | Subsidiary (InternalId) |
customer.address.address_line_1 | Address Book : Address 1 |
customer.address.address_line_2 | Address Book : Address 2 |
customer.address.administrative_district_level_1 | Address Book : State | | Address Book : Country (InternalId) |
customer.address.postal_code | Address Book : Zip |
Import NetSuite sales orders
Export field (Square) | Import field (NetSuite) |
Customerid | Customer (InternalId) |
id | Square_order_id |
line_items[*].name | Items : Item (Name) |
line_items[*].quantity | Items : Qty |
{{divide line_items[*].base_price_money.amount “100”}} | Items : Price |
Square refunds to NetSuite cash refunds
This integration flow syncs Square refunds to NetSuite cash refunds.
Setup instructions
- Configure the mappings for Account and Location in the NetSuite import as required.
- Configure dynamic lookup for celigo_nlobjTransformId in the NetSuite import as required.
Import NetSuite cash refunds
Export field (Square) | Import field (NetSuite) |
“198” | Account (InternalId) |
“25” | Location (InternalId) |
celigo_nlobjTransformId |
Square sales to NetSuite cash sales
This integration flow syncs Square orders to NetSuite cash sales.
Setup instructions
- Configure the location_ids in the search parameters for the Get Square orders export in the Square search orders record type.
- Configure the mappings for the Location (InternalId), Order Type (InternalId), Items: Tax Code (InternalId), and Account in the NetSuite import.
Import NetSuite cash sales
Export field (Square) | Import field (NetSuite) |
“1” | Order Type (InternalId) |
{{join ‘’ Customers.given_name Customers.family_name}} | Customer (Name) |
“25” | Location (Internal Id) |
“true” | Account |
id | Square_transaction_id |
line_items[*].name | Items : Item (Name) |
“-112” | Items : Tax Code (InternalId) |
line_items[*].base_price_money.amount | Items : Amount |
NetSuite items to Square items
This integration flow syncs NetSuite items to Square items.
Setup instructions
- Configure mappings for object.type, object.item_data.variations[*].type, object.item_data.variations[*].item_variation_data.pricing_type, object.item_data.variations[*].item_variation_data.price_money.currency as required.
Import Square items
{{round [Last Purchase Price]}}
Export field (NetSuite) | Import field (Square) |
{{random “UUID” 10}} | idempotency_key |
“ITEM” | object.type |
{{join “” ‘#’ (random 5)}} | |
Name | |
{{join “” ‘#’ (random 6)}} | object.item_data.variations[*].id |
“ITEM_VARIATION” | object.item_data.variations[*].type |
“FIXED_PRICING” | object.item_data.variations[*].item_variation_data.pricing_type |
{{round [Last Purchase Price]}} | object.item_data.variations[*].item_variation_data.price_money.amount |
“USD” | object.item_data.variations[*].item_variation_data.price_money.currency |
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