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Zendesk Ticket Time Tracking To NetSuite Support Case Time Tracking

Agents in Zendesk use the Zendesk Time tracking app to record time they spend on a ticket.

"Zendesk Ticket Time Tracking to NetSuite Support Case Time Tracking" data flow syncs Zendesk ticket - time tracking information to NetSuite. With this information you can track how much time an Agent has spent on a ticket.

The Zendesk Ticket is synced as a NetSuite Support Case. The Time tracking information from Zendesk is created as a Time tracking record in NetSuite and is associated with that Support Case and the Agent employee record in NetSuite.

Even if the Agent in Zendesk is not in sync with an Employee in NetSuite, the integration app will lookup the Agent in the NetSuite Employee records using the email address of the Zendesk Agent. Right now only time tracking information recorded by the Zendesk Time tracking app is supported. Other time tracking apps are not supported. 

The following screens depict the data flow:

1. Update Time Tracking in Zendesk.

2. The record is updated.

In the data flow settings section, ensure that the data flow is turned on. The real time flow is triggered automatically (when the Zendesk record is saved).


The status of the data flow is visible in the dashboard.

The record is now updated in NetSuite.

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