When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt ProcessMaker connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the ProcessMaker API documentation. You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Collections |
Return all collections that the user has access to |
X |
Save new collections |
X |
Get single collections by ID |
X |
Update a collection |
X |
Delete a collection |
X |
Import a new collection |
X |
Deletes all records in a collection |
X |
Return all records |
X |
Save a new record in a collection |
X |
Get a single record of a collection |
X |
Update a record |
X |
Delete a collection record |
X |
Partial update of a record |
X |
Comments |
Return all the active tasks. |
X |
CSS settings |
Create or update a new setting |
X |
Data connector categories |
Return all data connector categories that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new data connector category |
X |
Get a single data connector category by ID |
X |
Update a data connector category |
X |
Delete a data connector category |
X |
Data connectors |
Return all data connectors that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new data connector |
X |
Get a single data connector by ID |
X |
Update a data connector |
X |
Delete a data connector |
X |
Send a data connector request |
X |
Execute data source using request ID |
X |
Execute data source |
X |
Get data from a data source |
X |
Decision table categories |
Return all decision table categories that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new decision table category |
X |
Get a single decision table category by ID |
X |
Update a decision table category |
X |
Delete a decision table category |
X |
Decision tables |
Return all decision tables that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new decision table |
X |
Get a single decision table by ID |
X |
Update a decision table |
X |
Delete a decision table |
X |
Duplicate a decision table |
X |
Import a decision table from Excel |
X |
Export a single decision table by ID |
X |
Import the specified decision table |
X |
Environment variables |
Return all environment variables that the user has access to |
X |
Create a new environment variable |
X |
Get an environment variable by ID |
X |
Update an environment variable |
X |
Delete an environment variable |
X |
Files |
Return the list of files |
X |
Save a new media file |
X |
Get the metadata of a file. to fetch the file see GET file contents |
X |
Delete a media file |
X |
Get the contents of a file |
X |
Group members |
Return all groups for a given member |
X |
Save a new group member |
X |
Get a single group member by ID |
X |
Delete a group member |
X |
Return all groups available for a given member |
X |
Return all users available for a given group |
X |
Groups |
Return all groups that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new group |
X |
Get a single group by ID |
X |
Update a group |
X |
Delete a group |
X |
Return all users of a group |
X |
Return all groups of a group |
X |
Notifications |
Return all notifications that the user has access to |
X |
Save new notifications |
X |
Get a single notification by ID |
X |
Update a notification |
X |
Delete a notification |
X |
Mark notifications as read by the user |
X |
Mark notifications as unread by the user |
X |
Mark notifications as read by ID and type |
X |
Permissions |
Update the permissions of a user |
X |
Process categories |
Return all process categories that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new process category |
X |
Get a single process category by ID |
X |
Update a process category |
X |
Delete a process category |
X |
Process requests |
Return all process requests that the user has access to |
X |
Get single process request by ID |
X |
Update a process request |
X |
Delete a process request |
X |
Update a process request event |
X |
Processes |
Return all processes that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new process |
X |
Get a single process by ID |
X |
Update a process |
X |
Delete a process |
X |
Update a draft process |
X |
Return the list of processes that the user can start |
X |
Restore an inactive process |
X |
Export a single process by ID and return a URL to download it |
X |
Validate an import |
X |
Import a new process |
X |
Update assignments after import |
X |
Start a new process |
X |
Rebuild script executors |
Return all script executors that the user has access to |
X |
Create a script executor |
X |
Update script executor |
X |
Delete a script executor |
X |
Cancel a script executor |
X |
Return all available languages |
X |
Reports |
Save a new report |
X |
Request files |
Return the list of files associated with a request |
X |
Save a new media file to a request |
X |
Get a file uploaded to a request |
X |
Delete all media associated with a request |
X |
Saved search charts |
Return all saved search charts that the user has access to |
X |
Update several saved search charts at once |
X |
Save a new search chart |
X |
Get a single saved search chart by ID |
X |
Update a saved search chart |
X |
Delete a saved search chart |
X |
Get available chart fields for a saved search by ID |
X |
Saved searches |
Return all groups that the user has access to |
X |
Return all users |
X |
Update a report |
X |
Return all saved searches that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new search |
X |
Get single saved searches by ID |
X |
Update a saved search |
X |
Return all columns associated with a saved search |
X |
Delete a saved search |
X |
Return all icons for saved searches |
X |
Screen categories |
Return all screen categories that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new screen category |
X |
Get single screen category by ID |
X |
Update a screen category |
X |
Delete a screen category |
X |
Screens |
Return all screens that the user has access to |
X |
Save new screens |
X |
Get single screens by ID |
X |
Update a screen |
X |
Delete a screen |
X |
Update a draft screen |
X |
Duplicate a screen |
X |
Export a single screen by ID |
X |
Import a new screen |
X |
Preview a screen |
X |
Trigger export collections job |
X |
Script categories |
Return all script categories that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new script category |
X |
Get a single script category by ID |
X |
Update a script category |
X |
Delete a script category |
X |
Scripts |
Return all scripts that the user has access to |
X |
Save a new script |
X |
Test script code without saving it |
X |
Execute script |
X |
Get the response of a script execution by execution key |
X |
Get a single script by ID |
X |
Update a script |
X |
Delete a script |
X |
Update a draft script |
X |
Duplicate a script |
X |
Security logs |
Return all security logs |
X |
Get a single security log by ID |
X |
Settings |
Return all settings |
X |
Update a setting |
X |
Signals |
Return all signals |
X |
Creates a new global signal |
X |
Get a single signal by ID |
X |
Update a signal |
X |
Delete a signal |
X |
Task assignments |
Return all task assignments |
X |
Save a new task assignment |
X |
Update a task assignment |
X |
Delete a task assignment |
X |
Tasks |
Return all tasks that the user has access to |
X |
Get a single task by ID |
X |
Update a task |
X |
Users |
Return all users |
X |
Save a new users |
X |
Get single user by ID |
X |
Update a user |
X |
Delete a user |
X |
Set the groups a user belongs to |
X |
Restore a soft deleted user |
X |
Version history |
Return all version history according to the model |
X |
Save a new version history |
X |
Get single version history by ID |
X |
Update a version history |
X |
Delete a version history |
X |
Clone a new version history |
X |
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