When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt Seismic connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below*, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the Seismic API documentation. *You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Activity history |
Admin impersonation sessions |
X |
Content usage history |
X |
Content view history |
X |
Daily active users |
X |
Distribution approval workflows |
X |
Distribution approval workflow steps history |
X |
Interaction contexts |
X |
Interaction recipients |
X |
Notification frequency settings |
X |
Notification status |
X |
User activity |
X |
Virus scan audit log |
X |
AI |
AI suggested content properties |
X |
Configuration content properties |
Add one or more content property values |
X |
Get content properties |
X |
Add a content property |
X |
Update a custom property |
X |
Delete a custom property |
X |
Configuration team sites |
Get information for a specific team site |
X |
Content augmentation |
Download watermarked content |
X |
Content manager content access |
Bulk get content access data |
X |
Remove content access for members |
X |
Change content access |
X |
Contents |
Contents |
X |
Content ask experts |
X |
Content insert instances |
X |
Content pages |
X |
Content reviews |
X |
Content slide insert instances |
X |
Content versions |
X |
Custom properties |
X |
Custom property assignments |
X |
Meetings |
X |
Meeting content page presentations |
X |
Meeting content presentations |
X |
Meeting keywords |
X |
Meeting participants |
X |
Meeting questions |
X |
Meeting trackers |
X |
Page content history |
X |
Watermarks |
X |
Custom properties |
Update a custom property |
X |
Delete a custom property |
X |
Custom content |
Get custom content |
X |
Add custom content |
X |
Add custom content version |
X |
Delivery |
Get list of inputs for a custom delivery form |
X |
Deliver content via custom delivery |
X |
Save a file to workspace |
X |
Digital sales room DSR |
Get a list of DSR |
X |
Get details for a specific DSR |
X |
Bulk add or remove viewer ACL for DSR or live send |
X |
Doc |
Get the tracked fields |
X |
Get the list of inputs for a live doc |
X |
Generate a live doc |
X |
Get status of live doc generation |
X |
Get the tracked fields |
X |
Early access |
Get workflow details |
X |
Operate workflow step |
X |
Emails |
Emails |
X |
Email template instances |
X |
Email template section selections |
X |
Email template static images |
X |
Email template variable values |
X |
Engagement |
Get the engagement list |
X |
Guided assembly |
Generate a guided assembly |
X |
Get status of guided assembly generation |
X |
Learning |
Answers |
X |
Assignments |
X |
Custom user fields |
X |
Custom user field values |
X |
Feedback criteria |
X |
Instructor led training events |
X |
Instructor led training event attendance |
X |
Instructor led training event content assignments |
X |
Instructor led training event sessions |
X |
Learning progress |
X |
Lessons |
X |
Lesson tags |
X |
Lesson versions |
X |
Paths |
X |
Path contents |
X |
Path tags |
X |
Proficiency levels |
X |
Questions |
X |
Skills |
X |
Skill assessments |
X |
Skill profiles |
X |
Skill profile details |
X |
Skill ratings |
X |
Skill requests |
X |
Skill reviews |
X |
Skill tags |
X |
Skill user profiles |
X |
Training groups |
X |
Training group members |
X |
Library contents |
Content profiles |
X |
Content profile assignments |
X |
Content properties |
X |
Content property assignments |
X |
Custom contents |
X |
Custom content types |
X |
Custom content type fields |
X |
Digital sales room templates |
X |
Digital sales room template versions |
X |
External content details |
X |
Favorite status |
X |
Follow status |
X |
Library contents |
X |
Library content expert associations |
X |
Library content versions |
X |
Planner associations |
X |
Planner items |
X |
Planner projects |
X |
Planner project dates |
X |
Planner requests |
X |
Planner request dates |
X |
Planner tasks |
X |
Planner task dates |
X |
Programs |
X |
Program associations |
X |
Program dates |
X |
Program items |
X |
Program requests |
X |
Program request dates |
X |
Program tasks |
X |
Program task dates |
X |
Publishing approval workflows |
X |
Publishing approval workflow acknowledgments |
X |
Publishing approval workflow steps history |
X |
Team sites |
X |
Library content management |
Add a file |
X |
Change file information/properties |
X |
Get file information/properties |
X |
Add a new file version |
X |
Download a file |
X |
Download a file version |
X |
Copy a file |
X |
Add a folder |
X |
Get folder information |
X |
Copy a folder |
X |
Get list of items in a folder |
X |
Delete an item |
X |
Get item information/properties |
X |
Copy an item |
X |
Get all versions for an item |
X |
Get items via query |
X |
Replace thumbnail on an item |
X |
Add an URL |
X |
Change URL information/properties |
X |
Get URL information/properties |
X |
Copy an URL |
X |
Get/create folder by path |
X |
Library instructions |
Add an instruction on an item |
X |
Get instructions on an item |
X |
Delete an instruction on an item |
X |
Library publishing |
Unpublish a document |
X |
Library workflow |
Submit a document into workflow |
X |
Recall a document from workflow |
X |
Get information for a particular workflow |
X |
Link delivery |
Create link delivery |
X |
Live doc express batch |
Configure dynamic variant filter |
X |
Get process execution history |
X |
Delete process |
X |
Cancel scheduled process |
X |
Cancel job |
X |
Import variants from CSV |
X |
Create variants |
X |
Delete live doc version variants |
X |
Bulk delete variants |
X |
Get live doc execution history |
X |
Update a variant |
X |
Delete variant |
X |
Live docs |
Generated live docs |
X |
Generated live doc components |
X |
Generated live doc fields |
X |
Generated live doc output formats |
X |
Generated live doc slides |
X |
Live doc custom content data source retrieve data requests |
X |
Live doc data source info |
X |
Live doc data source retrieve data requests |
X |
Live doc global variable requests |
X |
Live send |
Digital sales rooms |
X |
Digital sales room viewing sessions |
X |
Live send comments |
X |
Live send comment mentions |
X |
Live send comment reactions |
X |
Live send content viewing sessions |
X |
Live send links |
X |
Live send link contents |
X |
Live send link members |
X |
Live send page views |
X |
Live send viewing sessions |
X |
Microapp screens |
X |
Microapp screen views |
X |
Meeting |
Get the meeting details by ID |
X |
Get the meeting list |
X |
Get the meeting sessions by ID |
X |
Get the meeting recording files by meeting ID |
X |
Get the meeting recording files by recoding ID |
X |
Get the transcript analysis of meeting by meeting ID |
X |
Get the overview of a post meeting by meeting ID |
X |
Get list of meeting contents by meeting ID which can be shared with other users |
X |
Planner access |
Check access |
X |
Planner activity |
Get activities |
X |
Get activities for a node |
X |
Planner association |
Get associations |
X |
Add associations |
X |
Remove associations |
X |
Planner async action |
Get async actions |
X |
Planner comment |
Create comment |
X |
Get comment |
X |
Update comment |
X |
Delete |
X |
Planner follower |
Get followers |
X |
Planner project |
Create project |
X |
Delete projects |
X |
Get project |
X |
Update a project |
X |
Delete project |
X |
Get project content |
X |
Get my projects |
X |
Planner project template |
Get project templates |
X |
Delete project templates |
X |
Get project template |
X |
Update project template |
X |
Planner rank |
Update rank |
X |
Planner request |
Create request |
X |
Get a single request |
X |
Update request |
X |
Delete request |
X |
Get my requests |
X |
Planner request form |
Get request forms |
X |
Create request form |
X |
Get request form |
X |
Update request form |
X |
Delete request form |
X |
Update request form permissions |
X |
Activate a request form |
X |
Deactivate a request form |
X |
Planner space |
Get spaces |
X |
Get a space |
X |
Planner task |
Create task |
X |
Get task |
X |
Update task |
X |
Delete task |
X |
Get my tasks |
X |
Delete tasks |
X |
Predictive |
Get the available predictive content settings |
X |
Privacy management |
Add or update one or more emails in the optout list |
X |
Get email optout list |
X |
Delete an email from the optout list |
X |
Search |
Search clicks |
X |
Search click match details |
X |
Search facets |
X |
Search history |
X |
Search words |
X |
User management SCIM user and group management |
Create a new group |
X |
Delete a group by GUID |
X |
Update group |
X |
Get a list of members of a specific group |
X |
Get resource types |
X |
Get current tenant schema |
X |
Retrieve all users |
X |
Delete a user by GUID |
X |
Get the groups a user is in |
X |
Remove a user from a group |
X |
Add a user to a group |
X |
User management users |
Get user details |
X |
Users and groups |
External users |
X |
Groups |
X |
Group managers |
X |
Group members |
X |
Indirect group managers |
X |
Indirect group members |
X |
Training group managers |
X |
Users |
X |
User groups list |
X |
User properties |
X |
User property assignments |
X |
Variable |
Create variable |
X |
Update variable |
X |
Get variable definition |
X |
Get all variable definitions |
X |
Get value type formatters |
X |
Get variable value |
X |
Workspace |
Workspace contents |
X |
Workspace content versions |
X |
Workspace comments |
Get comments on an item |
X |
Delete a comment |
X |
Delete a reply |
X |
Resolve a comment |
X |
Workspace content |
Get file custom properties |
X |
Workspace content management |
Add a folder |
X |
Add a file |
X |
Delete a file |
X |
Copy a file |
X |
Download a file |
X |
Create an URL |
X |
Get a URL |
X |
Update URL metadata |
X |
Delete a URL |
X |
Copy a URL |
X |
Get an item's metadata |
X |
Update an item |
X |
Delete an item |
X |
Copy an item |
X |
Update a folder |
X |
Delete a folder |
X |
Get the list of items in a folder |
X |
Workspace permissions |
Remove a member from content |
X |
Transfer owner of content to member |
X |
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
Version: v1 |
Assignments |
List assignments |
X |
Show assignments by status |
X |
Groups |
List groups |
X |
Show group details |
X |
Group assignments |
X |
Create group |
X |
Update group |
X |
Archive group |
X |
Restore group |
X |
Delete group |
X |
Lessons |
List lessons |
X |
Show lesson details |
X |
Lesson assignments |
X |
Lesson completed assignments |
X |
Lesson total completions |
X |
Lesson completion breakdown |
X |
Update lesson |
X |
Archive lesson |
X |
Restore lesson |
X |
Assign lesson |
X |
Paths |
List paths |
X |
Show path details |
X |
Path total completions |
X |
List path assignments |
X |
Path assignments completed |
X |
Archive path |
X |
Restore path |
X |
Assigning a path |
X |
Tags |
List tags |
X |
Show tag details |
X |
Tag lessons |
X |
Tag paths |
X |
Users |
List users |
X |
Show user details |
X |
Show user learning library statistics |
X |
User groups |
X |
User assignments |
X |
Create user |
X |
Update user |
X |
Archive user |
X |
Restore user |
X |
Delete user |
X |
Update user groups |
X |
Create user assignments |
X |
Version: v1.1 |
Assignments |
List assignments |
X |
Lessons |
List lessons |
X |
Show lesson details |
X |
Paths |
List paths |
X |
Users |
List users |
X |
Article is closed for comments.