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Set up a connection to UKG Ready

UKG Ready is a comprehensive human capital management (HCM) solution designed to streamline workforce management, including payroll, time and attendance, and employee scheduling.

Set up a connection

After you start the connection, configure it in the Create connection panel and complete all of the required * authentication settings:



Name your connection * 

Enter a clear and distinguishable name.

Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection. A unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting it from a list of the connections in your account.

API version

Select your UKG Ready account API version (v1 or v2).

Company ID *

Enter your UKG Ready company ID.

How to retrieve the company ID

Username *

Enter your UKG Ready account username.

Password *

Enter your UKG Ready account password.
Multiple layers of protection, including AES 256 encryption, are in place to keep your API key safe. When editing this connection, you must re-enter this value each time; it is stored only when the connection is saved and never displayed as text.

API key * 

Enter your UKG Ready API key.

Multiple layers of protection, including AES 256 encryption, are in place to keep your API key safe. When editing this connection, you must re-enter this value each time; it is stored only when the connection is saved and never displayed as text.

How to retrieve the API key 

How to retrieve the API key

  1. Sign in to your UKG Ready account.

  2. Navigate to Company settings > Global setup > Company setup > Login config > API keys.

  3. Click Generate.

  4. Copy the API key.

How to retrieve the company ID

  1. Sign in to your UKG Ready account.

  2. Click the Hamburger icon.

  3. Navigate to My team > My employees > Employee info.

  4. Click Select columns. For detailed information, see Get company ID.

  5. Select Add/Remove columns.

  6. Add Company ID.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Copy the Company ID

Additional references

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