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Resolve NetSuite pricing to Walmart pricing Add/Update flow errors

Error: Non-whitespace before first tag. Line: 0 Column: 1 Char: u

Flow name: NetSuite Pricing to Walmart Pricing Add/Update

Error message: Non-whitespace before first tag. Line: 0 Column: 1 Char: u

Reason: The issue originates from Walmart and causes the pricing flow (Wrapper import) to display 'Non-whitespace before first tag' errors when processing bulk records. Despite these errors, the records are processed successfully after several retries.


Resolution: Since this issue originates from Walmart and currently lacks a resolution, we have developed a workaround to ensure successful record processing without requiring manual retries.

Before you proceed with the resolution steps, download the ZIP file to your local drive.


Follow the steps below :

  1. From the Celigo platform homepage, click Upload at the upper right corner, and select Integration.

  2. Click Choose file and upload the downloaded ZIP file.

  3. Click Install integration.

  4. Click Proceed.

  5. Click Configure.

  6. In the Base URI setting, enter

  7. For Auth type, select Token.

  8. Go to Resources>API Tokens, generate a new API token, and paste it in the Token setting. For more information, see Managing API Tokens.

  9. In the Send token via setting, select HTTP Header.

  10. In the Header scheme setting, select Bearer.

  11. Under the How to test this connection section, select GET in the HTTP method list.

  12. In the Relative URI setting, paste /v1/connections.



    To fix this error in other flows, such as inventory and fulfillment flows, change the relative URI on the export step as shown in the following screenshot.


  13. Click Test connection.

If you see the success message “Your connection is working great! Nice Job!”,click Save & close. If not, there may be a configuration error. In that case, follow the steps above to resolve the issue.

A new flow AutoRetry for Walmart Non Whitespace Errors appears. For more details about the flow, see AutoRetry for Walmart Non Whitespace Errors flow details section.

  1. Click the Off/On toggle and select Enable to activate the flow.

  2. Click the Schedule icon and set the schedule according to your requirements. Alternatively, if you do not wish to schedule it, you can run the flow immediately or as needed.

  3. Click Save.


AutoRetry for Walmart non-whitespace errors flow details

The integration flow automatically resolves Walmart's non-whitespace errors depending on the scheduled setup.

  • Get Walmart IA pricing flows export:The export retrieves the NetSuite Pricing to Walmart Pricing Add/Update flow information. 

  • Get non-whitespace errors per flow lookupUsing the flow information, the lookup filters out and retrieves Walmart's non-whitespace errors from the list of errors.

  • AutoRetry non-whitespace errors: The import will retry all Walmart non-whitespace errors, resolve them, and successfully process the pricing records.


AutoRetry for Walmart Non Whitespace 

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Date Votes
  • To fix this for other flows, like inventory flows and fulfillment flows, change the relative uri on the export step to:


  • Thanks, Tyler Lamparter added this as additional info under Notes.


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