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Sync posted sales shipment from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to Shopify

The warehouse manager of an eCommerce manufacturer ensures that all the new outbound deliveries generated in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system should be synced as Shopify fulfilments so that you can track the shipping details.

Understand the flow

In the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central posted sales shipment to Shopify fulfillment (add) flow, the Get posted sales shipment from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central export gets the new outbound deliveries with Shipped status in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that are generated after the last flow run. The flow searches for the Shopify orders using the eTail order ID, eTail channel, and eTail store ID. The flow step looks for the line items of the outbound deliveries that are returned by the flow export. The Post fulfillment to Shopify import posts all the new outbound deliveries that are exported in the previous step to Shopify. The flow specifies the count of all such orders on the Dashboard. The corresponding quantities are fulfilled in Shopify. This is a once-exported scheduled flow.

If the flow fails to create a fulfillment, an error message is displayed on the Dashboard.

Configure the flow settings
General tab
  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click on the Shopify - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central template tile.

  3. Go to Settings > General > General tab.

  4. In the Map Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central locations with Shopify locations setting, map Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central locations to the corresponding Shopify locations. You can choose to map locations as one-to-one or many-to-one (map a group of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central locations to a single Shopify location). If you have only a single location set up in Shopify to which all of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central locations are mapped, then select it from the Select a default Shopify location list.

  5. In the Select a default Shopify location setting, select a default Shopify location to map all the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central locations. To select the Shopify default location, you must map one or many locations or provide a default Shopify location.

  6. Click Save.

Shipment tab
  1. Go to Settings > General > Shipment tab.

  2. In the Shopify ship method setting, click on the row below the label and enter the desired value.

  3. From the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ship method drop-down menu, select a value. If no data is yet visible, click the 'Refresh' icon to fetch the values from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  4. In the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central item to track Shopify shipping cost as a line item setting, select a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central service item to track Shopify order shipping costs as a line item on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sales order.

  5. Click Save.

Run the flow


  • Orders should already exist in Shopify.

  • Posted sales shipment must have a tracking number.

To run the flow:

  1. Go to Flows > Fulfillment.

  2. Next to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central posted sales shipment to Shopify fulfillment (add) flow, use the toggle button to enable the flow.

  3. If you run the flow for the first time, a delta flow pop-up window is displayed. This helps you to sync the historical fulfillment. 

    • Automatic: Choose this option to process and sync data from the last flow run time (OR)

    • Custom: Choose this option to select a custom start date and time from when you wish to process and sync data.

  4. Click Run.

    You can see the flow status in the Dashboard.

Understand the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Shopify fulfillment records
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