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2018 release notes

Release Notes, January 2018 (version 4.1.1)

What's New?

  • You can now import data into PostgreSQL and MySQL. For more information, refer to Importing Data in Database.

  • Support for Fixed-Width files has been introduced.

  • split and trim handlebar helpers have been introduced.

  • Patch method is now supported for MailChimp.

  • For an HTTP export, Link Header and Relative URI have been introduced as new paging methods.


What's Enhanced?

  • Custom Webhooks that use Token-based authentication now support JSON documents that use special characters, such as spaces and periods, in their field names. As a result of this enhancement, JSONPath operators like "$." are no longer required and should not be part of the token path you enter into the Path field. In the Path field, you can enter a direct path to the token, such as "", and use square brackets to escape special characters for paths like ['token path'] instead. For now, token paths that begin with "$." are still supported. Celigo will automatically update your token path for removing this unnecessary operator.

  • You will now be able to copy the text from the error messages that appear on the UI.

  • For Data Loader flows, when you click Run Flow from the dashboard, you will now be asked to select the input data file to ensure that the correct file is fetched.

  • For an HTTP export, you can now see connection field suggestions in Request Body.


Release Notes, February 2018 (version 4.2.1)

What's New?

  • For EDI and Fixed-Width file exports and imports, you can now edit the delimiters present in the file using the File Delimiters text area.

  • MS SQL is now supported in both exports and imports.

  • The getValue handlebar is now available for all the imports except NetSuite.

Sample JSON:

"author": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Jolley",

Generic Expression:

{{getValue 'field' 'defaultValue'}}

Sample Expression:

{{getValue 'author.firstname' 'Anonymous''}}// Where Name = John, the result will be John.
{{getValue '' 'Anonymous''}}// Where name = NULL, the result will be NULL.
{{getValue 'ADD' 'Anonymous''}}//Where ADD is not present in the JSONpath, the result will be Anonymous.
  • regexMatch and regexReplace handlebars have been introduced for matching and replacing data.

Sample JSON:

"SecretCode": "123 3456 678 google 32",

Generic Expression:

{{{regexMatch field regex index options}}} // Where field is the data to be matched, regex is the regular expression, index is the index of the result set, and options is the regular expressions' options.

Sample Expression:

{{{regexMatch SecretCode "[0-9][0-9][0-9]" 1 "g"}}} // Result is 345

Generic Expression:

{{{regexReplace field1 field2 regex options}}}// Where field1 is the data to be replaced, field2 is the data to be replaced with, regex is the regular expression, and options is the regular expressions' options.

Sample Expression:

{{{regexReplace SecretCode "celigo" "[3-5][0-9][0-9]" g}}}// Result is 123 celigo6 678 google 32
  • For NetSuite imports, on the mapping screen for fields that have an internal ID (NetSuite Select Fields), a refresh icon is provided for Hard Coded and Static Lookup field mapping types.

The following image illustrates the refresh icon in the hard-coded field mapping type for NetSuite Select field.


The following image illustrates the Refresh icon in the Static field mapping type for NetSuite Select field.Refresh_Button_2.pngFor REST and HTTP, Advanced Field Editors are now available for building a dynamic relative URI and for building a response body. It helps you verify the output data in real-time.

The following image illustrates how to access the Advance Field Editor for Relative URI field.


The following image illustrates the Advanced Field Editor available for generating a dynamic relative URI.



When you type '{{' in the field editor (template), all the available resources are displayed.

The following image illustrates the Build HTTP Request Body button that is used to open the Advanced Template Editor.


The following image illustrates the Advanced Template Editor for building a request body.


What's Enhanced?

  • You can now sort your data present on the Licenses and Install Base pages that are available at Menu > Connectors > [Under Actions click the down arrow] > Licenses and Menu > Connectors > [Under Actions click the down arrow] > Install Base. In addition, you can also sort errors on the Job Errors window.

  • Lookups that you create are now persisted in the database so that you can use it later. Earlier unused lookups were deleted.

What's Fixed?

  • For BLOB exports, you will now be able to export all the records including the ones that do not have attachments.

Release Notes, March 2018 (version 4.3.1)

What's New?

  • IO organization users with the Manage User access level can now link to (legacy integrations) SuiteScript integrator with the help of Link SuiteScript Integrator checkbox. Earlier the checkbox did not appear for an IO organization user.

  • FTP CSV exports now have a new checkbox called as Trim Spaces. This checkbox when enabled trims whitespaces from a CSV file.

  • Microsoft Office 365 is the new Adapter introduced in IO.

  • For HTTP imports, PATCH method is now available.

What's Enhanced?

  • In an integration ReadMe, only the following HTML tags are supported: <p>, <b>, <a>, <small>, <img>, <i>, <font>, <ul>, and <li>.

  • <script> </script> will not be visible once you save the integration ReadMe.

  • The Next Data Flow feature is now available for orchestrated flows.

  • On the Mappings page, you now get to see the progress being made.


What's Fixed?

  • You can now update URL and Image in an integration ReadMe using APIs.

  • White Spaces present in the lookup expression are now trimmed this is currently implemented for connectors.

Release Notes, March 2018 (version 4.3.2)

What's New?

  • Audit Log: Audit Log captures detailed information of the actions that an IO user performs on the various IO resources, such as integrations, flows, connections, exports, imports, and stacks. For more information, refer to Audit Logs in IO.

  • Record Filtering: You can now filter records coming from the source application in the Export and Import pages of IO. This filtering is extremely useful in case your source or target application does not support record filtering. In addition, you might also want to use our record filtering feature if the record filtering process in your source/target application is complex and cumbersome. For more information, refer to Record Filtering in IO.

The following image illustrates Filter Rules that can be used to created rules for record filtering.

  • New Adapters: Greenhouse and Quip connection Adapters are now available for establishing connections in IO. For more information, refer to the Field Reference Guide.

What's Enhanced

  • Transform Rules: The Configure Transform Rule button is now replaced with Transform Rules. We have revamped the UI for this feature so that it becomes very easy for you to transform the incoming data as per your requirement. For more information, refer to Configure Transform Rules and Transformation Rules Guide.

  • Transfer Ownership: You can now transfer SmartConnector integrations to another IO user that was not possible earlier. For more information, refer to User Management and Transfer Ownership.

  • New Fields Introduced: For an HTTP connection using Token authentication, we have now introduced Unencrypted and Encrypted fields. For more information, refer to the Field Reference Guide.


Release Notes, April 2018 (version 4.4.1)

What's New?

  • errors: this mapping describes the errors, if any, that occurred for a record during flow execution.

  • ignored: this mapping describes if the record was ignored during flow execution.

  • statusCode: the status code received when a record was processed during flow execution.

  • For Page Processors, on the Response Mappings page, you can now map errors, ignored, and statusCode for each record.

  • You will now require a valid business email address to sign up on

The following image illustrates the error message that you will get when trying to sign up using a personal email ID.


The following image illustrates the error message that you will get when trying to sign up if you are our direct competitor.


What's Enhanced?

  • For mappings in Orchestration, a dialog box now appears to show you the mapping status (also known as, Network Call Status).

  • When using dynamic lookup for a NetSuite import, if multiple matches are encountered, you can select the Use Default on Multiple Matches checkbox and specify the default value in Default Lookup Value.

  • URL Encoded request media type is now available for establishing HTTP connections.

  • The size of the field highlighted in the below image has been increased from 2 KB to 4 KB.


This enhancement has been done only for the Lookup Criteria on NetSuite import.

  • When creating a NetSuite export or import, a Custom List in NetSuite is now available as a Record Type. For example, if you have a Custom List in NetSuite with a name as Third-Party Vendors, this name will appear in the Record Type drop-down list box.


Release Notes, April 2018 (version 4.4.2)

What's New?

  • Download and share an existing integration flow. You can now download an existing integration flow as a ZIP file and share it with other accounts, similar to installing an integration template. The flow can be downloaded as a ZIP file from the Settings and the Dashboard pages.

The following image illustrates the download icon using which you can download an integration flow as a ZIP file from the Settings page.


The following image illustrates the Download Flow Zip menu using which you can download an integration flow as a ZIP file from the Dashboard page.

  • Audit Log enhancements. To make it easier to investigate activities, audit logs can be filtered based on Resource, User, or Source of modifications. Additionally, users can set the number of records displayed per page and quickly navigate to different pages of the log. Also, SmartConnectors now support Audit Logs too.


The following image illustrates the Click to view link that appears whenever the modified value is too large for the report to accommodate. You can click on this link to see old and new values.


For example, if only one field was updated in a JSON file, the above-mentioned link will open a new window, as shown below, that displays both the old and new values as part of the audit logs.

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Adapter is now available for creating flows.

What's Enhanced?

  • For a delta export, if any of the records fail, the dashboard will display a Failed status.

  • When you edit an existing stack, the Secret Access Key field will now appear blank. You will have to re-enter the secret key for enhanced security.

  • On the Transfer Ownership page, the list of transferred integrations is now sorted as per the last modified date.

  • On the Export page, for EDI and Fixed Width File Type, File Row Suffix, File Row Delimiter, and File Column Delimiter fields are now available.

  • The following applications now support REST API: Zoho Desk, Zoho CRM, Coupa, Quip, Greenhouse, and EasyPost (only connection).

Release Notes, May 2018 (version 4.5.1)

What's New?

  • The following Connection Adapters have been modified:

    • Newegg (connection only): The Seller Id and Agent Id fields are now available; Ping URI and Ping Method fields are removed.

    • Tableau (connection only): Username, Password, Content Url, and Site Id fields are now available; The Ping URI field is removed.

  • A Connection Adapter is now available for the following application:

    • Expensify

  • In addition to the existing Connection Adapter, API Adapter is now availablefor the following applications:

    • Zoho Books

    • Shippo

    • EasyPost

  • Adapters are now available for the following applications:

    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

    • Microsoft Outlook (Calendar, Mail, and Contacts)

    • Microsoft OneNote

    • Pitney Bowes

  • New handlebar helper. You can now generate a random number using the {{random "CRYPTO/UUID" length}} handlebar helper.

General handlebar expression:

{{random "CRYPTO/UUID" length}} // Where "CRYPTO/UUID" is the method using which the random number is generated, and length is an integer value that represents the length of the random number to be generated.



{{random "CRYPTO" 5}} //Output may be yt234

{{random "UUID" 5}} //Output may be yjnu5

Release Notes, June 2018 (version 4.5.2)

What's New?

Generic Expression:

{{random "NUMBER" length}} // Where "NUMBER" is the method using which the random number is generated, and length is an integer value that represents the length of the random number to be generated.


If length is not provided, a 32 character random number is generated.

Sample Expression:

{{random "NUMBER" 5}} //Output may be yt234
{{random "NUMBER"}} //Output may be yjnu5325hj567hj34hnbj58923hb4321
  • Adapters for the following applications are now available.

    • PDFfiller

    • Insightly

    • Expensify

  • A new File Definition Rules window is now available to quickly define rules and resources for EDI file exports and imports.


A more advanced editor has been added for when defining rules for EDI file import and export. The editor enables direct manipulation of the file definition rules, and shows the generated export (or import) file in real-time based on the defined rules. The Available resources field in the editor shows the raw export file in its original format (exports), or the export file that will get imported in JSON format (imports), so that the user can see what they have to work with when defining the rules.


Release Notes, June 2018 (version 4.6.1)

What's New?

  • GDPR Compliance: As part of Celigo’s commitment to compliance with the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), all users need to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before accessing

  • Advanced Editor: The following enhancements make it easier to use the Advanced Editor when creating or modifying integration flows:

    • To make Page Processor Imports easier to set up, the JSON data from both the Page Generator Export and the Page Processor Export is now displayed.

  • Field names that contain white spaces are now wrapped within square brackets to make it easier to read and edit template details.

  • REST Exports: HTTP PUT method is now supported for REST exports.

  • Orchestration: The Relative URI textbox now shows field suggestions to make it easier to create orchestrated integration flows.

  • New Adapters: Adapters are now available for these applications:

    • Acumatica

    • Exact ERP

    • Expensify


  • Transformation Rules: When using Adapters to create an integration flow, large JSON/XML data files can be transformed into smaller JSON structures to make it easier to view the file. See Configure Transform Rules for more details.

What's Fixed?

When you select the number of records that must appear on a given page using Page Size, the Page Size value persists even if you move to another page in Earlier, the Page Size value would reset to 10 if you moved to another IO page. For example, on the Exports page (where all the exports are listed) if you select the Page Size value as 50 and then move to the Connections page, and again come back to the Exports page, then you will see that the Page Size value is still set to 50. Earlier, the Page Size value would reset to 10.


Release Notes, June 2018 (version 4.6.2)

What's New?

  • NetSuite and Salesforce sandbox account refresh. It is now easier to prevent metadata from being deleted after a refresh is done on either NetSuite or Salesforce sandbox accounts. For more information, refer to NetSuite and Salesforce Sandbox Account Refresh.

  • New Help widget. You can click the Help widget and type in the desired keywords to search information. We will be making continuous improvements to this widget so that you can find relevant help with ease.

  • New Adapters. The following Adapters are now available.

    • Bronto

    • Returnly

    • Zoho Mail

  • Notifications is renamed to My Notifications.


What's Fixed?

  • Issues related to saving of handlebar expressions on the Import page are now resolved.

Release notes, July 2018 (version 4.7.1)

What's New?

  • You can now assign Tile (Integration) level and Account level permissions to a user using our new UI.

  • As an Org Admin or a user with Manage access, you can now register an existing connection. Registering a connection lets you mark the connections for specific integrations. This allows users to use the connection, along with any exports or imports already associated with the connection. For example, if you have Salesforce and NetSuite connections registered for Integration 1, all the exports and imports of the integration that are using the registered connections will be available for use to the user. However, these connections will be unavailable in other integrations until you register them. For more information, refer to Register Connections.

  • You can now use JavaScripts to use hooks, introduce filters, transform data, and so on when creating a flow or an integration.

  • Secret URL is a new Verification Type introduced for custom Webhook.

  • Survey Monkey is a new Provider introduced for Webhook.

  • For REST API Connection Type, cookie-based authentication is now available.

  • IO Adapters are now available for the following applications:

    • Act-On

    • Aptrinsic

    • Klaviyo

    • Mailgun

    • Postmark

    • Procurify

    • Strata

What's Enhanced?

  • The Data Loader button is now available at the integration level. This lets you load the data in the target application from an existing integration. Earlier, you had to create a separate integration to load the data.

  • On the Jobs page, Download Flow Zip is renamed to Diagnostics Zip. In addition to information on export and import flows, the zip now also contains information on parent job, child job, and job errors.


Release Notes, July 2018 (version 4.7.2)

What's New?

  • Hooks: On the Import page, you can now use the Scripts feature to implement Pre Map, Post Map, Post Submit, and Post Aggregate functions using JavaScript.

  • Free Edition: As an IO user, once your IO trial period (30 days) is over, you now get a free flow that you can use forever even if you abstain from starting a paid subscription.


As a SmartConnector user, you can use the Free Edition to explore IO, and you may also find it helpful in case you needed just 1 extra flow in addition to SmartConnector flows to accomplish your integration.

  • The Subscription Page: As an IO Admin, you can now see information related to Sandbox and Production flows (Flows Consumed and Flows Remaining) at My Account > Subscription. Earlier, the Subscription page was separate for both Production and Sandbox.

  • MongoDB Import: You can now import data into MongoDB.

  • IO Adapters: IO Adapters are now available for the following applications.

    • Concur

    • OANDA

    • Spree Commerce

    • Strata

    • Tophatter

  • Blob Keys: On the Export page, the Output Mode drop-down list box now contains Blob Keys as a new option for transferring files from an FTP/S3 to The Blob Keys option transfers your raw files as-is into the storage without processing them and returns a "blobKey" for each file that is successfully transferred.


The Output Mode field appears only for an FTP/S3 export and requires Developer Mode to be enabled.


What's Fixed?

  • When the sample data consisted of commas for headers, the flow execution failed.

Release Notes, August 2018 (version 4.8.1)

What's Enhanced?

  • PATCH is now available as a new HTTP method for REST API and HTTP imports.


Location: On the Create Import page > [from Application, select REST API or HTTP] > [for Method select Composite] > [From Composite Type, select any value].

  • For defining NetSuite concurrency in IO, you now have only one field called as the Concurrency Level field. Earlier, IO had 2 different fields for defining concurrency. One concurrency field was for Web Services and the other was for RESTlet.

Location: Menu > Connections > [select Connection Type as NetSuite].

  • On the Exports and Imports pages, each export/import is now a hyperlink. When you click this hyperlink, you will be taken to the Edit Export/Edit Import page as the case may be. In addition, the Exports and Imports pages also display the connection type of each export or import under Type.

Location: Menu > Exports and Menu > Imports.


Release Notes, August 2018 (version 4.8.2)

What's New?

  • _counter is the new EDI function introduced. It helps you to count the number of EDI segments generated for the same segment identifier. You just have to set the counter to true in the definition rules of an EDI segment. For example, you might want to count the number of TD1 segments generated based on the JSON data shown below.

Sample JSON

TD1:[ // EDI segment

Definition File:

        "name":"<Field Name>",
        "counter":true,//set the counter to true if you want to count the number of EDI segments generated for TD1.
        "Value":"{{{_counter.[<Field Name>]}}}"
        ...//elements of TD1

Example 1:

        "Value":"{{{_counter.[srno]}}}" // dynamic value in integer
        ...//elements of TD1


TD1*1*ProductName1*10*1~// The element after TD1 is the counter.

Example 2:

        "Value":"{{{_counter.[dummy]}}}" //field not present in JSON and yet you implement _counter.
        ...//elements of TD1


TD1*1*ProductName1*10*1~// The element after TD1 is the counter.
  • IO Adapter is now available for SugarCRM.

What's Enhanced?

  • In an orchestrated flow, you can now export attachments using BLOB for connections that have been established using an agent. Earlier, this was not possible.


Only REST and HTTP connections are supported.

  • Resolved is the new column that is available on the integration dashboard. It helps you to filter out records that have been as resolved. The resolved jobs are marked blue, and you will still be able to view the original error for a resolved job.

What's Fixed?

  • When an import received an empty string, the SQL query parser error occurred.

Release Notes, September 2018 (version 4.9.1)

What's New?

  • For real-time Salesforce flows, on the Export page, you can now select and define the Reference Fields and the Related Lists that should be made available on the Mappings page.

  • You can now customize the time and time zone for running a delta flow. If you select Automatic, the flow is executed since the last time the flow was run.


What's Enhanced?

  • You can now invite users from the Settings > Users section of an integration tile. In addition, you can also modify the access permissions of a user using the Edit icon.

  • On the Import page, the Concurrency Id Lock Template field now has the advanced editor.

  • On the Job Dashboard, errors are now recorded for each job. For example, if the errors occur in the Export job, you can see the View link for that Export job. Similarly, you can see the View link on the Import job as well in case of errors. Earlier, all the errors were recorded on the Import jobs even if the errors occurred in an export.

  • For FTP XML imports and HTTP XML imports, the Launch Field Mapper button now has the advanced editor.

  • In the Field Mapping settings, the Standard and Multi-Field field mapping types can now perform 3 different actions if the value is not found in the export:

    • Use Empty String as Default Value: Imports an empty string as the default value.

    • Use Null as Default Value: Imports a NULL value as the default value.

    • Use Custom Default value: Imports the specified value as the default value.



These enhancements are made for REST, Salesforce, and FTP.

  • For Static-Lookup, the following actions are now radio buttons instead of checkboxes.



This enhancement is made for NetSuite, Salesforce, REST, and FTP.

Release Notes October 2018 (version 4.10.1)

What's New?

  • NetSuite Sub-Records Support - For some NetSuite saved searches, the returned records contain sub-records in the body or within a line item. A sub-record is a record in NetSuite that has its own form and set of fields, but can only exist with a parent record. The purpose of a sub-record is to hold key related data about the parent record. now supports imports of Inventory detail sub-record which is available for many parent records such as Salesorder, ItemFulfilment, InventoryAdjustments to name a few. When the user imports NetSuite records, the user defines in the Import which record and sub-record to import. The Field Mapper interface then allows the user to map the exported data to the defined import record types.

    For more details on how to work with NetSuite sub-records, please see the article in Compass.

  • EDI and Amazon S3 - EDI file type is now supported for Amazon S3 imports and exports.

  • Resource dependencies - You can now view via a dialog that indicates where each resource is being referenced throughout your IO account. For example, you can see for any given Connection which Exports, Imports, Flows, Orchestrations and Integrations that are referencing the Connection in their records. To view the reference dialogue for a resource, select Referenced By in the Actions dropdown.

  • Bill of Materials

  • Inventory Status Change

  • Commerce Category

  • Billing Schedule

  • Campaign Response (Imports only)

  • NetSuite Record Types Added - The following record types have been added to NetSuite integrations:

  • Marketo

  • New Application Adapters - The following applications now have dedicated support in IO, for easier application integration:

What's Enhanced?

  • Transfer Ownership - Date of transfer is now displayed for each individual transfer. The date is only visible after the receiver has accepted the transfer. Note that the list is sorted based on last modified date. To view Transfer Ownership, go to Main Menu > Transfer Ownership.

  • Automatic Connection Registration - When creating or adding an existing Connection to a Flow or Orchestration from within an Integration, the Connection is now automatically registered with the Integration, as opposed to having to first manually register the Connection with the Integration before being able to use it any related Flow or Orchestration. Users will get alerted when a new Connection will be registered, or if any changes are made that will impact the registration. For more details on how Connection Registration works, please see the article in Compass.

  • HTTP Request Body - An advanced editor has been added to HTTP Imports, to enable users to easily build the HTTP request body. The editor is also enhanced with syntax checks for immediate feedback on syntax errors.

  • NetSuite Saved Search Lookups - In order to differentiate between Customer ID and Customer Name field values, which are commonly the same, Customer ID has been added to the list of lookup search filters.

  • Actions on index pages are grouped under a dropdown icon.

  • UI/UX Enhancements - We’ve made some minor updates to improve the IO experience.

What's Fixed?

  • Inability to delete nodes from Transform rules.

  • NetSuite SuiteScript - Specifying _keys as vendor creates a new vendor on the item and throws an error. Fix: ignore creating a new vendor when a key is specified as vendor and no key is available to identify existing lines.

  • WooCommerce adapter - Base URI only supports .com domain and HTTPS. Fix: Base URI field is now a free form field.

  • False positives for successful connection - Application server responds with a 200 also for failure to connect. Fix: Enhance server response handling for application adapters to interpret negative responses despite 200 success response.

  • Sandbox environment not available to invited users - when a user gets invited to an account that has a Sandbox environment, Sandbox is not available to the invited user in the list of environments. Fix: Expose Sandbox to all users with account access.

  • Secondary Page Processor in an Orchestration is not triggered despite successful import with lookup failure. Fix: When an error is logged on a job due to a lookup failure, but the import is successful due to the flow configuration, the next in line Page Processor still gets triggered.

  • Unused registered Connections are not listed in the Integration audit log. Fix: When a Connection is registered with an Integration, the registration should get listed in the Integration’s audit log.

Release Notes, November 2018 (version 4.11.1)

What's New?

  • Sneak peek: Integration Flow Builder - Significant enhancements have been made to make even more intuitive for creating and managing integration flows. The new builder provides visual representation of flows, and the various processors defined for each of the source and destination applications. The new Flow Builder will officially go live in early 2019, however, you can try it out now to build flows. Since this is a sneak peek, you may encounter bugs and we do not recommend building production flows until the formal release. If you want to provide feedback or join the early adopter program, please contact your CSM.

  • New UI And Logo - Celigo has refreshed the logo and UI with new color scheme and UI elements. The new UI will be adopted by gradually and therefore some screens and UI elements will still have the legacy UI when interacting with the platform. The page layouts and structure remain the same.

  • IO Navigation - The page header now contains links to key locations, such as Marketplace, Support and Data Loader, for easy access. All other resources and integration options can be found in the main grid menu on the right hand side in the header. Note that only account Owners and account-level Managers have permissions to access the grid menu. The ability to create a flow is also available to integration Managers from within the integration tile.

    Note: Access to Customer Compass and release notes is via this SUPPORT link instead of the previous Compass icon. From Compass you can access all documentation and file support tickets as usual.

  • Landing Page - For new users of, we have a new landing page from where you can jump right into building a flow, or invite other users to help manage your integrations. If you are an existing user and want to have a look at the new landing page, go to the grid menu and select “Getting Started”. Note that this is only available to account Owners and account-level Managers.

  • AS2 Support - AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification for the transportation of data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption and results in a protocol that offers non-repudiation (confidence in the identity of the sender) and is tamper-proof (gives confidence that the sent data was successfully received without modification). AS2 Support in will allow you to integrate with B2B trading partners and exchange EDI documents, which is generally preferred or insisted upon by larger trading partners since it’s more secure. It will also enable keeping complexity and cost to a minimum, while providing the configurability needed to meet the integration requirements of trading partners.

    To read more about AS2 configuration in IO, and how to build AS2 flows, you can find documentation here.

  • API Management - now supports creation and management of multiple API tokens, and capabilities to assign fine-grained access configurations for each token. Read documentation on how to work with API tokens here.

  • Leave Account - If you are a regular IO user (not an account Owner) and you have joined multiple accounts, you now have the option to leave accounts. To leave an account, click on the Account dropdown on the right in the header, and hover over the account you want to leave to reveal the Leave option. Note that you are not able to leave an account if it’s the only account you belong to.

  • Set Batch Size Limit for NetSuite Exports via SuiteScript Hooks - You can now set a batch size limit for your SuiteScrip hook export, to better avoid hitting the 5Mb/batch limit in By defining a batch size limit, your NetSuite export will never exceed exporting more records for any given batch than what is desired.

  • Mailparser (webhook)

  • Parseur (webhook)

  • New Application Adapters - The following applications now have dedicated support in IO, for easier application integration:

What's Enhanced?

  • 30 Days Unlimited Flows - If you have a Free Edition account of and haven’t previously done a trial with Celigo, you can now get an unlimited number of flows for 30 days. With the Free Edition you can create as many flows you want, but you can only activate and run one at a time. With Unlimited Flows you can activate and run as many flows as you want for 30 days, to truly explore how can solve all your integration needs.

  • Agents now have a Description field, and online/offline indicator in the index page.

  • UI/UX Enhancements - We’ve made some minor updates to improve the IO experience.

What's Fixed?

  • Inability to see all resources available to me when creating or editing flows.

  • FTP blob import error.

  • Handlebar preview not shown for orchestrated delta flows.

  • Transform rules panel UI issues.

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