Create custom settings & access them in forms



  • Josh Saterdalen

    Is it possible to use Custom Settings in an Export's SQL query? When I reference a custom setting in a query, then preview the query, I receive the error: "Cannot read property 'xxx' of undefined", where 'xxx' is the name of the Custom Setting.

  • Anthony Rosenkrantz

    Having the exact same issue!! trying to use setting as a schema override (dev/prod) not working

  • Stephen Brandt Documentation Manager Community moderator
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary
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    Sorry for the delay, Josh Saterdalen and Anthony Rosenkrantz. (I mistook the autonotification on your comments as Community forum requests.) Assuming you haven't done so already, I'm going to submit these questions to our support queue and track the answers as they try to reproduce and then find another solution or escalate to the product team. 

  • Anthony Rosenkrantz

    i put a work around in my flows to get the settings and stash them in the payload. so when i run postgres connectors i have the settings. (not great solution)

  • Shubham Kaila

    How would you go about updating the custom setting after each run? For example, if I set one up as a counter and I want the counter to increase after each successful flow run. How would I do that? Thanks! 

  • Stephen Brandt Documentation Manager Community moderator
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary
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    Hi, Shubham Kaila. That's a great question, which I'm surprised we haven't seen yet. 

    The official answer is that it's not supported right now. Custom settings are static (read-only). Keeping tally of successful runs is best done through your dashboards/consoles and logs.  

    If you wanted to automate it, perhaps you could increment a value in a custom record or upload a file in an import at the end of your flow. 

  • Steve Klett Strategic Partner
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary
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    Awesome Follow-up

    I defined settings on a flow group and hoped it would create a hierarchy based on the flow group name, instead it puts them in a generic settings.flowGrouping property. Bummer.

    Maybe I'm not thinking about flow grouping correctly, but what is the point of settings on a flowGroup? How is it different than settings at the integration level? Is there different behavior in some way for these two:


  • Bhavik Shah Senior Product Manager
    Answer Pro
    Great Answer

    Steve Klett - Thanks for posting. It would be interesting to understand your use case to learn. I am assuming you're trying to access some of these settings through your bubbles/flow. That particular flow might be belonging to one of the flow groups. In this case you would see the settings defined for that flow group which is "ftp_file_prefix". Were you expecting to see the settings defined for all flow groups in which case you may want to see that hierarchy that exist ? We would like to know and understand what can be accomplished with that sort of behaviour. 


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