Additional record mapping or filter configuration is required to integrate the template’s exports and imports with your Concur and Acumatica apps.
Note that all of your flows are disabled when first installed. After configuring the flows, you may enable them in your Flows dashboard or in Flow Builder with the Off/On toggle button. then run or schedule each flow.
Concur company to Acumatica customer
This integration flow syncs a Concur company as an Acumatica customer.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
- Built-in export: Get Concur company – get a company from Concur
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica customer – add or update a customer into Acumatica
Setup instructions
Configure mapping for Status.value, CustomerClass.value, StatementCycleID.value and SendDunningLettersbyEmail.value in Import Acumatica customer.
Concur expense reports to Acumatica expense claims (Best Practice)
This integration flow syncs Concur expense reports with Acumatica expense claims for Standard accounts by payment batch.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
Built-in export: Get Concur payment batches – get all payment batches that are in open status from Concur
- Built-in preSavePage hook: concur payment request.js – parse links to batch files
- Built-in import: Import Concur payment batches – close the payment batches of Concur
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur payment batch files – get all payment batch files from Concur
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica expense claims – add or update expense claims to Acumatica
Before you begin
- Users in Concur and Employees in Acumatica should be the same.
- Expense Types in Concur and Inventory ID of Non-Stock Items in Acumatica should be the same.
Setup instructions
Configure line-level mapping for UOM.value, Branch.value, ExpenseAccount.value, and ExpenseSubaccount.value in Import Acumatica expense claims.
Concur expense reports to Acumatica expense claims (Enhanced)
This integration flow syncs Concur expense reports with Acumatica expense claims for Professional accounts by Extract Method.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
Built-in export: Get Concur extract definition details – get Concur extract definition details for expense that have been modified since this flow last ran
- Built-in preSavePage hook: processing Concur expense reports.js – parse links to job files
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur extract files by job ID – get extract files from Concur
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica expense claims – add expense claims into Acumatica
Before you begin
- Users in Concur and Employees in Acumatica should be the same.
- Expense Types in Concur and Inventory ID of Non-Stock Items in Acumatica should be the same.
Setup instructions
- Add the Definition ID for the Expense.
- Configure line-level mapping for UOM.value, Branch.value, ExpenseAccount.value, ExpenseSubaccount.value and ProjectID.value in Import Acumatica expense claims.
- Configure dynamic mapping for ClaimedBy.value in Import Acumatica expense claims.
Concur expense report images to Acumatica expense claim images
This integration flow syncs Concur expense report images as Acumatica expense claim images.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
- Built-in export: Get Concur expense reports – get all expense reports from Concur that have been created since this flow last ran
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur expense report details by report ID – get expense report details from Concur by report ID
- Built-in transfer (download): Get Concur expense report image by image URL – get all expense report images from Concur by image URL
- Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica expense claims – get all expense claims from Acumatica by Concur report ID
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica expense claim images – attach expense claim images into Acumatica
Before you begin
- Expense reports in Concur and expense claims in Acumatica should be the same.
- The Concur expense report ID should be stored as a Description in Acumatica expense claims.
Setup instructions
Edit Import Acumatica expense claim images to customize the filename in the Relative URI setting for your business rules.
Concur lists to Acumatica departments
This integration flow syncs Concur lists as Acumatica departments.
- Concur lists to Acumatica departments is available upon request; it is not installed with either template in the Celigo Marketplace.
- Before installing an integration with this flow, you must set up the Acumatica custom record bundle, as described in Install the bundle containing custom Acumatica endpoint fields.
Lists are custom entities, or records, that you set up in Concur. You can create any corresponding Acumatica departments as lists and then associate them with your expenses. To build a list:
- Sign in to SAP Concur.
- From the Administration menu, select Expense > Expense admin.
- On the Expense admin page, click List management.
- At the List management page, you can add, update, or delete a list.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
- Built-in export: Get Concur lists – get all lists from Concur
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur list item by list ID – get a list item from Concur by list ID
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica departments – add or update departments from Acumatica
Before you begin
Create a custom field on the Department record in Acumatica to store the Concur list item ID.
Setup instructions
Configure output filter rules in Get Concur lists. (The record.value shown below represents the name of the list created in Concur; the Department records are inside the Concur list.)
Customize the handlebars template
Follow the instructions below to modify the handlebars template for the Acumatica HTTP request body:
- In Flow Builder, click to edit Import Acumatica departments.
- In the Edit import panel, scroll down to the section How would you like the records imported.
- Under Build HTTP request body, click Launch.
- In the resulting editor, customize according to your requirements and preview the sample records.
Concur users to Acumatica employees
This integration flow syncs Concur users as Acumatica employees.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Concur
- Import destination: Acumatica
- Built-in export: Get Concur Expense users – get all users from Concur
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense user's spend details by ID – get a user's spend details from Concur Expense by ID
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense approver by ID – check if approver is present in the Concur Expense by Username
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense approver's spend details by ID – get an approver's spend details from Concur Expense by ID
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica approver (employees) – add or update approver (employees) in Acumatica
- Built-in Import: Import Acumatica employees – add or update employees in Acumatica
Acumatica departments to Concur list items
This integration flow syncs Acumatica departments as Concur list items.
- Acumatica departments to Concur list items is available upon request; it is not installed with either template in the Celigo Marketplace.
- Before installing an integration with this flow, you must set up the Acumatica custom record bundle, as described in Install the bundle containing custom Acumatica endpoint fields.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Acumatica
- Import destination: Concur
- Built-in export: Get Acumatica departments – get all departments from Acumatica
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur lists – get all lists from Concur
- Built-in import: Import Concur list items (create) – add or ignore list items into Concur with ID as the lookup identifier
- Built-in import: Import Concur list items (update) – update list items into Concur with ID as the lookup identifier
- Built-in import: Import Acumatica departments – update departments into Acumatica
Before you begin
Create a custom field on the Department record in Acumatica to store the Concur list item ID.
Setup instructions
Configure output filter rules in Get Concur lists. (The record.value shown below represents the name of the list created in Concur; the Department records are inside the Concur list.)
Customize the handlebars template
Follow the instructions below to modify the handlebars template for the Acumatica HTTP request body:
- In Flow Builder, click to edit Import Acumatica departments.
- In the Edit import panel, scroll down to the section How would you like the records imported.
- Under Build HTTP request body, click Launch.
- In the resulting editor, customize according to your requirements and preview the sample records.
Acumatica employees to Concur users
This integration flow syncs Acumatica employees as Concur users.
Applies to
- Concur Expense (Best Practice) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
- Concur Expense (Enhanced) – Acumatica Quickstart integration template
Flow details
- Export source: Acumatica
- Import destination: Concur
- Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica employee by ID – get an employee from Acumatica by EmployeeID
- Built-in lookup: Get Acumatica approver by ID – get an approver from Acumatica by EmployeeID
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense approver by ID – check if approver is present in the Concur Expense by Username
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense approver's spend details by ID – get an approver's spend details from Concur Expense by ID
- Built-in import: Import Concur Expense approver (update) – update approver in Concur Expense using the ID as the lookup identifier
- Built-in import: Import Concur Expense approver (add) – add or ignore approver in Concur Expense using the ID as the lookup identifier
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense user by ID – Checks if a user is present in the Concur Expense by Username
- Built-in lookup: Get Concur Expense user's spend details by ID – get a user's spend details from Concur Expense by ID
- Built-in import: Import Concur Expense users – add or update users in Concur Expense using the username as the lookup identifier
Setup instructions
Configure mapping for Schemas, Active, Type, Entitlements, CompanyID, Locale, LedgerCode, CustomDataID, and Primary in Import Concur Expense users.
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