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Resolve permission error on the PayPal payout transactions flow

Flow: PayPal Payout Transactions to NetSuite Deposit flow

Error Message: {"localizedMessage":"No permission for the requested operation. ","suppressed":[],"name":"PERMISSION_DENIED","message":"No permission for the requested operation. ","details":[{"field":null,"value":null,"location":null,"issue":"No permission for the requested operation."}],"information_link":"","debug_id":"xxx123456789"}

Reason: Paypal requires permission to get the data using Transaction Search. This checkbox must be enabled for the integration app to get the history of transactions for a PayPal account.

Resolution: Check the 'Transaction Search' checkbox under the Paypal API Settings and once enabled, you must update the Paypal connection and create a new token since there was a change made for permissions. You may follow the steps below:

Enable the transaction search in Paypal Developer Dashboard

  1. Log into Paypal Developer Dashboard.
  2. Go to the My Apps & Credentials page.
  3. Click the link for your REST app in the REST API apps section.
  4. Select the Transaction Search option in the app settings section.
  5. Click Save.

Refresh access token

You need to wait for at least 9 hours before generating a new API token after enabling the transaction search in the PayPal Developer dashboard, since PayPal caches access tokens for 9 hours.

Once the existing access tokens are terminated, you can generate a new API token with the new scope added to the REST app.

Refresh access token immediately

You can terminate the existing cached tokens and immediately provide a new API token using a tool like Postman, instead of having to wait until the previous ones expire in the following manner:

  1. Authorize your connection to the API with the existing token details in the Authorization tab:
  2. Enter the existing cached API token information in the Value field of the Body tab:
  3. Click Send to terminate the existing cached tokens.
    You can now generate a new API token with the new scope added to the REST app.

To know how you can perform this action using curl, see the Refreshing an access token response given by Preston PHX in the PayPal Transaction Search API: PERMISSION_DENIED post on the stackoverflow website.

Update Paypal connection

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on the Connections tab. 
  3. Next to the PayPal connection, click the three-dot icon to edit the connection.
  4. Re-enter your client ID and client secret. (How to retrieve connection keys from PayPal)
  5. Click Generate Token.
  6. Click Test connection.
  7. If it says your connection is working fine, then you can click Save and Close.
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