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Set up a connection to Docebo

Docebo is a multi-product learning suite that helps enterprises to tackle learning challenges and create a successful learning culture.

Set up a connection

After you start the connection , you have to configure it in the Create connection panel and must complete all of the required * authentication settings:




Name your connection *

Enter a clear and distinguishable name.

Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection. A unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting it from a list of the connections in your account.

Subdomain *

Enter your Docebo subdomain. For example, if you sign in at, then celigo99288 is your subdomain.

OAuth 2.0 client *

To add an OAuth 2.0 client and configure your credentials, click the plus ( + ) button. Click the edit ( edit.svg ) button to modify a selected OAuth 2.0 client. For more information, see Create an OAuth 2.0 iClient resource .

Fetch data {//}How to retrieve client ID and client secret


This connector documentation describes only the settings shown for the Simple view. For the corresponding HTTP settings, see OAuth 2.0 universal connector documentation.

How to retrieve client ID and client secret

  1. Sign in to your Docebo account.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Admin > Learn LMS.

  3. Click Add new apps. The Apps and features page appears.

  4. Select Third party integrations.

  5. From the API and SSO app, click Setup.

  6. Read the information in the dialog and click Install now.

  7. From the Admin menu, navigate to

  8. Click Manage and select API credentials.

  9. Click Add OAuth2 app.

  10. In the Add OAuth2 app page, provide the following details:

    1. App name: Enter a name for the new app.

    2. App description: Enter a description for the app.

    3. Client ID: Enter a name that can be used as the ID.

    4. Client secret: Copy the generated client secret.

    5. Redirect URI: Enter the redirect URL.

  1. Select Grant types and click Confirm. The newly created app is listed under Applications allowed to use OAuth2.

  2. Click the checkmark icon at the end of the Applications allowed to use OAuth2 row to activate it. For more information, see Authentication.


Additional references

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