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Check status

You can easily check system status at any time on the website. If there are no reported service disruptions, yet you are experiencing problems with multiple flows processing as usual, please determine which of the following applies.

All problematic flows use connection(s) to the same application

If all flows that are not processing as expected use connection(s) to the same application, the application is likely experiencing an outage. See FAQ: How can I determine if a flow is paused due to an application outage and what should I expect?

All flows across applications are not processing as usual

If you are experiencing pervasive issues, please send an email to These issues may include:

  • Very long running times or flows that seem stuck "in progress"
  • Significantly increased time to start flow runs
  • Flow runs not starting when scheduled
  • Unexpected growth of queue sizes
  • Unexpectedly high rate of errors
  • Many runs in "canceled" or "failed" status
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