The Integration App exports all Item Images from NetSuite as Product Images on Shopify, so that system administrators can manage Shopify product images from within NetSuite.
When specifying Product Images in NetSuite, you may either upload a new publicly available image to your NetSuite File Cabinet, select an existing NetSuite publicly available image OR provide the fully qualified URL of a publicly available image on a content delivery network (CDN). You can choose to sync images in the following ways:
- Sync Images without Alt tags
- (Recommended) Syncing Images with Alt Tags
To support this feature, the NetSuite Item to Shopify Product Add/Update and NetSuite Matrix Item to Shopify Product Add/Update integration flows have been enhanced to accommodate adding or updating product images along with other product details. A new field mapping has been added in both the flows to support this feature and requires no action on you in the mappings inside of
- Images are not exported by default. Clearing an image field in NetSuite deletes the image in Shopify so that the two systems stay in sync. Also, the Integration App can only send image data from NetSuite to Shopify if at least one image is being processed. No changes will be made to Shopify existing images if you delete all images in NetSuite and run the flow.
- Uploading images into NetSuite and/or Shopify is the client’s responsibility and is not done as part of Celigo’s installation.
- Images on external servers can also be exported as long as they are publicly accessible through HTTP URLs.
- This flow is only supported with the standard (previously "premium") and premium (previously "enterprise") edition of the Integration App.
Syncing Images without Alt tags
As the existing product flow is being used to support updating images, you need to modify the item export saved searched to use this feature. Use the following steps to make the necessary changes in the Celigo Shopify Item Export and Celigo Shopify Matrix Item Export saved searches in NetSuite for the Integration App to support the image upload functionality:
- Login to your NetSuite account
- In the NetSuite global search box, enter the Celigo Shopify Item
- Select the NetSuite Celigo Shopify Item Export saved search. The Celigo Shopify Item Export: Results page is displayed.
- Click Edit this search. The Saved Item Search page is displayed.
- Click on the Results sub-tab and add all the fields from NetSuite that contain the images or images URLs.
- For every field, you add for the image in the saved search, ensure you select Custom Label value as Images.
- In a similar way, you can also add the image fields for the Celigo Shopify Matrix Item Export saved search.
Once above is done, run the integration flows to sync the images from NetSuite to Shopify.
Syncing Images with Alt tags
Use the following steps to make the necessary changes in the Celigo Shopify Item Export and Celigo Shopify Matrix Item Export saved searches in NetSuite for the Integration App to support syncing image alt tags along with the image:
- Login to your NetSuite account
- In the NetSuite global search box, enter the Celigo Shopify Item
- Select the NetSuite Celigo Shopify Item Export saved search. The Celigo Shopify Item Export: Results page is displayed.
- Click Edit this search. The Saved Item Search page is displayed.
- Click on the Results sub-tab and add all the fields from NetSuite that contain the images or images URLs and image tags in the Fields.
- In the Custom Label column for the first row that contains an image or images URL enter “Images_1_src” and for the first row that contains image tags enter “Images_1_alt".
To leverage the alt image feature, the image columns now must be numbered so that the Integration App can assign the alt tag to the appropriate image. For additional images (Image 2, 3 & so on), enter the same text in the incremental format as shown in the following image.
Note: You must remove the row with the custom label as "Images" in the NetSuite saved search if present.
Similarly, you can also add the image fields for the Celigo Shopify Matrix Item Export saved search.
Once the above is done, run the integration flows to sync the images along with associated tags from NetSuite to Shopify.
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