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General Section for Vendor Payment Manager

NoteWe’ve renamed our SmartConnectors to Integration Apps.

The General Section allow the user to store the PGP private and public keys for encryption and decryption of the accounts payable files. The keys once stored and saved won’t be visible to the user and this is done to ensure the security of the PGP keys. The user shall be required to enter a passphrase as well. A user can store a separate set of keys for each bank that is supported by the license.



  • Enter PGP keys for:  Choose the Keys you want to edit. Two options are:
    • Encryption (Bank Public Key)
    • Decryption (NetSuite Private Key)

Based on the option you select, the following fields will need to be updated.

  • PGP Publick Key: Enter PGP Public Key of this Bank
  • PGP Private Key: Enter PGP Private Key of your Account
  • PGP Passphrase: Enter Passphrase to encrypt PGP Private Key.


The product supports PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption algorithm which is one of the most secure encryption methods and is widely accepted. You can enter and store your “Private Key” and the bank’s “Public Key” along with the passphrase in the “General Settings” section and save them. The bank’s public key shall be used to encrypt the outgoing bank file whilst the user’s private key shall be used to decrypt the incoming bank acknowledgement file. Decryption is not supported for encrypted files which are signed in this release.

The integration app supports plain encryption and encryption with signature. You can select from these options in the flow settings as per your preference and requirements.


An incoming file from bank to NetSuite can be encrypted by the bank and will need to be decrypted before consumption at the user’s end and Vendor Payment Manager allows easy decryption of the incoming acknowledgement or payment summary files using a simple setting in the Bank to NetSuite flow. This setting invokes the user’s private key stored in the General section to decrypt the incoming files. The decrypted file is finally stored in the inbound folder as mentioned in the settings.


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