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Sync products from NetSuite to eBay

The NetSuite Item to eBay Item Add/Update flow automatically exports NetSuite simple inventory items as listings on eBay. Product catalogs can be maintained inside NetSuite while the data flow keeps the items always in sync in eBay (whenever a new item is created or an existing item is updated in NetSuite). The integration app supports the following item types: Inventory item, Kit/package, Assembly/Bill of Materials.

Items created in NetSuite are exported to eBay in batch flows. The integration app can be configured to also transfer items in scheduled intervals. Several options are provided in the integration app dashboard to set up and modify the data flow as per your business.

Before you start exporting items, you must complete the following set-up in NetSuite (steps are followed by sample screenshots):

  1. Map mandatory eBay listing attributes (e.g eBay Condition, Images etc.). More details can be found at the end of this article.
    • Add custom fields in NetSuite for these attributes, if not already present.
    • Add these fields as Results/Columns in the Item Export Saved Search in NetSuite.
  2. Add Item Categories in NetSuite.
    • Identify the eBay (category name, category id) for the categories being sold in. (click the item and see the category name / open child category and see a number in URL, when the item is opened).

      The number is visible in the URL.
    • Add these categories into NetSuite - ‘eBay Category - Primary’ field under the eTail sub-tab on the Item record. 

Please see How to Obtain eBay Categories and Category IDs for assistance with IDs.

  1. Select default values for eBay listings. 
    Find the settings under Settings > Product > Default Options
    Select Default Options.png
  2. Map Item Specifics for eBay listings.
    Item specifics allow you to provide extra information about your products in a structured manner. Also, eBay mandates a few item specifics depending on the categories you are listing the items in. So, we recommend you check which item specifics are mandatory for a given category. Refer to the attachments at the end of this article to find eBay Mandatory Category Specifics for USA and Canada. For example, the following item specifics are mandatory for T-shirts.
    eBay Category Id eBay Category Name Item specifics Label Recommended Values




    Basic Tee,Embellished Tee,Graphic Tee,Personalized Tee



    Size Type




    Size (Women's)


  3. Set up fields in the eTail tab of the NetSuite Item. Select ETAIL Channel and Add eBay Category Primary.
  4. Run the NetSuite Item to eBay Item Add/Update flow. Once the flow is successful, the item is moved into eBay.

Map mandatory attributes for eBay Item Export

Mappings provided in the integration app

  • SKU
    • Item Name / Number field in NetSuite is mapped to Listing Custom Label in eBay.
  • Title
    • Item Title field in NetSuite is mapped to Listing Title in eBay.
  • Description
    • The item Description field in NetSuite is mapped to the Listing Description in eBay. This can be text or HTML content. If it is HTML content, it is recommended to store it in a rich text field in NetSuite. 
  • Item Price
    • Item Unit Price in NetSuite is mapped to Listing Price in eBay.
  • Category ID
    • The custom field on the NetSuite Item record - 'eBay Category - Primary'  is mapped to Listing Category in eBay. This field is already bundled with the integration app, available in the eTail tab / eBay sub-tab.

Mappings not provided in the integration app

The following mappings are not provided in the integration app. Settings are available for most of these eBay listing attributes on IO to provide default values. If required, you can configure the mappings for these fields in the eBay Item Export Saved Search in NetSuite. If these attributes are not mapped to NetSuite fields (using the Saved Search) OR if they were mapped but they do not have any values for a given Item in NetSuite, then the integration app assigns the default values (configured in IO settings) and exports the Items to eBay. 

  • Images
    • eBay accepts publicly accessible URLs for Images. Each listing must have one main image and optionally multiple alternative images. Image mappings are not provided with the integration app. The customer is responsible for mapping these fields in the Item Saved Search. Refer to the section below on how to configure Images.
  • Currency
    • Currency should match the eBay Site, e.g. eBay US = USD
  • Country
    • The Country in which the seller account is registered.
  • Listing Duration
    • How long do you want the eBay listing to be active (example: 1 Day, 10 Days, GTC - Good Till Cancelled). Generally, GTC is recommended for Professional sellers.
  • Item Location
    • Zip code of the item's location, usually the location of the warehouse.
  • Item Condition
    • The condition of the Item - e.g New, Used etc.
  • Payment Policy Id
    • Id of the Payment Policy on eBay. Read more about Business Policies here
  • Return policy Id
    • Id of the Return Business Policy on eBay. Read more about Business Policies here
  • Shipping Policy Id
    • Id of the Shiping Business Policy on eBay. Read more about Business Policies here
  • Weight
    • Weight of the Item in Pounds - This is Mandatory only for some Shipping Carriers/Policies. 

Configuring images

Images can be stored in NetSuite in any one of the following two ways:

  1. Create a custom field of type textbox for item record and store the item Image URL in that field.
  2. Create a custom field of type Image for item record. Attach Image from Netsuite File System.

For mapping more Images, add extra columns to the eBay Item Export saved search in NetSuite. But make sure that the Custom Label of the column must be named "Images" only for all the new columns. The first column (with the 'Images' label) in the saved search is considered as the main Image and the rest of them as alternative images in the same order as they appear in the saved search. 

Use virtual variations on eBay

The NetSuite Item to eBay Item Add/Update flow allows you to create virtual variation items. The integration app allows you to use the SUBITEM OF field or a custom field where you specify the parent of an item to create the parent-child relationship needed for an item record in NetSuite.

Note: If you decide to use a custom field for creating a virtual variation relationship, the custom field must be a drop-down field similar to the SUBITEM OF field.

To know how to use virtual variations in eBay, see Use virtual variations in eBay.

Support for displaying images for matrix children from a child, not a parent

A matrix item always displayed images associated with the Parent SKU on eBay. This was the case even when a child SKU having its own image was selected on eBay. For example, consider a shirt that has been listed on eBay with variation type:

  • Size- Small, Medium, Large
  • Color- Red, Blue, Green.

In this case, eBay was displaying only Red color shirts for the item regardless of selecting different colors in the various choices. By making a few simple changes in the Celigo eBay Item Export Search saved search, you can now display the images associated with the child items on eBay.

To enable this feature, look for Celigo eBay Item Export Search saved search in NetSuite. Open the saved search in the Edit mode and go to the Results tab and do one of the following:

  • Add a new row as highlighted in green and displayed in the following image, if you want to hard-code a specific variation theme as a varying option for images. In this image, color has been hardcoded as a varying option for images. Therefore, an image specific to the child SKU will only be displayed when the available color is selected by a buyer on eBay. If the only Size is selected, only the parent item image will be displayed as color is selected as the varying option.
  • If you do not want to hardcode a variation theme as a varying option for images, add a new row as highlighted in red in the following image, and in the Field column, select the field that will govern among all variation theme options which variation theme needs to be used as a varying option for images. In this image, Primary Variant is the example of a custom field that has been used in the saved search that will govern which varying option for images needs to be selected for every item individually.


After making one of these changes in the saved search, when the buyer selects a blue shirt from the drop-down list, the image will be updated to the blue one, similarly, when a white shirt is selected, eBay will show the white shirt image.

Best offer configuration

  1. Create three custom fields on the item record
    1. Best Offer Enabled - type: CheckBox
    2. Minimum Best Offer Price - type: text
    3. Best Offer Auto Accept Price - type: text

  2. Replace existing columns on saved search with three fields
    1. Sample Existing Saved Search screen
    2. Saved Search after replacing those fields

Additional Order fields that can be mapped

  1. Checkout Message - The message that the buyer has provided during checkout.
  2. BuyerUserId - Unique Id identifying the buyer on eBay.
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