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Change file names for AS2 uploads

When an AS2 file is imported to a third-party AS2 server, allows you to update the file name format using the File name setting.

Update AS 2 file name

Use handlebar expressions to include a variable (such as timestamp, unique ID, and other AS2 metadata) in your file name. This will be helpful when there are multiple files that are being imported and ensures each file name is unique. In the screenshot above, the timestamp handlebar in UNIX code, Item_{{timestamp 'x'}}, is used to generate the file name, Item_1687801277413.
The value from the File name setting is passed through the AS2 Message header as shown below:

File name saved in AS2 header

You need to update the configuration in the third-party AS2 server to read the AS2 file name in the same format as saved in

  • This information will not be parsed automatically in the third party AS2 server.
  • The configuration method to fetch the file name differs for each third party AS2 application server.
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