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Set up a connection to Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a robust web analytics platform that empowers businesses to track, analyze, and optimize their digital marketing efforts. It enables data-driven decision-making for enhancing online experiences and driving business growth by offering comprehensive insights into user behavior and engagement .

Set up a connection

After you start the connection , configure it in the Create connection panel and complete all of the required * authentication settings:

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Name your connection *

Enter a clear and distinguishable name.

Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection. A unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting it from a list of the connections in your account.

OAuth 2.0 client *

Select the OAuth 2.0 client that stores the client ID and client secret provided to you by Adobe Analytics.

Fetch data {//}How to retrieve the client ID and client secret

To add an OAuth 2.0 client and configure your credentials, click the plus ( + ) button. Click the edit ( edit.svg ) button to modify a selected OAuth 2.0 client. For more information, see Create an OAuth 2.0 iClient resource .

Subdomain *

Enter your Adobe Analytics subdomain. For example, if is the URL, then

ims-na1 is the subdomain.

Scopes *

Scopes are OAuth 2.0 permissions that Adobe Analytics defines to limit access to your account.

Fetch data {//}How to configure scopes

Tip: This connector documentation describes only the settings shown for the Simple view. For the corresponding HTTP settings, see OAuth 2.0 auth universal connector documentation.

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{{a name=Client-Info}}

{{label=How to retrieve the client ID and client secret}}

  1. Sign in to your Adobe developer console.

  2. Navigate to Projects > Create new projects > Add API.

  3. Select Adobe Analytics and click Next.

  4. Select Web app and click Next.

  5. Paste the Redirect URL and click Next .

  6. Copy Client ID.

  7. Click Retrieve client secret .

  8. Copy Client secret.

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adobe analytics.png

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{{label=How to configure scopes}}

  1. Click Scope.

  2. To access all of the scopes in the API, click the » button.

    – or –

    Check the scopes you want to add and click the > button.

  3. Click Save.

Additional references

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