When you configure an export, import, or other type of flow step using the prebuilt Benchling connector, you can select any of the API operations listed below*, organized by API type.
If your API endpoint isn’t listed here, switch the flow step to HTTP mode and configure the endpoint provided in the Benchling API documentation. You can also create a composite endpoint for this application in HTTP mode.
Resource |
API endpoint |
Export |
Import |
AA sequences |
List AA sequences |
X |
Create an AA sequence |
X |
Get an AA sequence |
X |
Update an AA sequence |
X |
Archive AA sequences |
X |
Auto-annotate AA sequences with matching features from specified feature libraries |
X |
Bulk create AA sequences |
X |
Bulk get AA sequences by ID |
X |
Bulk update AA sequences |
X |
Unarchive AA sequences |
X |
Apps |
Create an app canvas |
X |
Get app canvas |
X |
Update app canvas |
X |
Archive app canvases |
X |
Unarchive app canvases |
X |
Get app configuration items |
X |
Create app configuration item |
X |
Get app configuration item |
X |
Update app configuration item |
X |
Bulk create app configuration items limit of 1000 app config items per request |
X |
Bulk update app configuration items limit of 1000 app config items per request |
X |
Create a new app session |
X |
Get an app session |
X |
Update app session |
X |
List apps |
X |
Create an app |
X |
Get an app by ID |
X |
Update an app |
X |
Archive apps |
X |
Unarchive apps |
X |
Schemas |
List assay result schemas |
X |
Get a result schema by ID |
X |
List assay run schemas |
X |
Get a run schema by ID |
X |
List batch schemas |
X |
Get a batch schema by ID |
X |
List box schemas |
X |
Get a box schema by ID |
X |
List container schemas |
X |
Get a container schema by ID |
X |
List entity schemas |
X |
Get an entity schema by ID |
X |
List entry schemas |
X |
Get an entry schema by ID |
X |
List location schemas |
X |
Get a location schema by ID |
X |
List plate schemas |
X |
Get a plate schema by ID |
X |
List request schemas |
X |
Get a request schema by ID |
X |
List request task schemas |
X |
Get a request task schema by ID |
X |
List workflow task schemas |
X |
Get a workflow task schema |
X |
Assay results |
List results |
X |
Create 1 or more results |
X |
Get a result |
X |
Archive 1 or more results |
X |
Bulk create results |
X |
Gets multiple results specified by a list of IDs |
X |
Unarchive 1 or more results |
X |
Create a transaction |
X |
Create results in a transaction |
X |
Abort a transaction |
X |
Commit a transaction |
X |
Assay runs |
List runs |
X |
Create 1 or more runs |
X |
Get a run |
X |
Update a run |
X |
List automation input generators by run |
X |
List automation output processors by run |
X |
Archive assay runs |
X |
Bulk get runs by ID |
X |
Unarchive assay runs |
X |
Lab automation |
Get a lab automation transform step |
X |
Update a lab automation transform step |
X |
Get an automation input generator |
X |
Update an automation input generator |
X |
Generate input with an automation input generator |
X |
List non-empty automation output processors |
X |
Create automation output processor |
X |
Get an automation output processor |
X |
Update an automation output processor |
X |
Process output with an automation output processor |
X |
Archive automation output processors and linked results |
X |
Unarchive automation output processors and linked results |
X |
Batches |
List batches |
X |
Create a batch |
X |
Get a batch |
X |
Update a batch |
X |
Archive batches |
X |
Bulk get batches |
X |
Unarchive batches |
X |
Get an entity's batches |
X |
Blobs |
Upload single-part blob |
X |
Get a blob |
X |
Download a blob |
X |
Get a blob's download URL |
X |
Upload a part of a multi-part blob |
X |
Abort multi-part blob upload |
X |
Complete multi-part blob upload |
X |
Bulk get blobs by UUID |
X |
Initiate multi-part blob upload |
X |
Boxes |
List boxes |
X |
Create a box |
X |
Get a box |
X |
Update a box |
X |
List a box's contents |
X |
Archive boxes |
X |
Bulkget boxes |
X |
Unarchive boxes |
X |
Containers |
List containers |
X |
Create a new container |
X |
Get a container by ID |
X |
Update a container |
X |
List a container's contents |
X |
Delete a container content |
X |
Get a container content |
X |
Update a container content |
X |
Transfer into container |
X |
Archive containers |
X |
Bulk create containers limit of 1000 containers per request |
X |
Bulk get a set of containers |
X |
Bulk update containers |
X |
Check in containers |
X |
Check out containers |
X |
Print labels |
X |
Reserve containers |
X |
Unarchive containers |
X |
Transfers into containers |
X |
Custom entities |
List custom entities |
X |
Create a custom entity |
X |
Get a custom entity |
X |
Update a custom entity |
X |
Archive custom entities |
X |
Bulk create custom entities |
X |
Bulk get custom entities by ID |
X |
Bulk update custom entities |
X |
Unarchive custom entities |
X |
DNA oligos |
List DNA oligos |
X |
Create a DNA oligo |
X |
Get a DNA oligo |
X |
Update a DNA oligo |
X |
Archive DNA oligos |
X |
Bulk create DNA oligos |
X |
Bulk update DNA oligos |
X |
Unarchive DNA oligos |
X |
RNA oligos |
List custom notations |
X |
List RNA oligos |
X |
Create an RNA oligo |
X |
Get an RNA oligo |
X |
Update an RNA oligo |
X |
Archive RNA oligos |
X |
Bulk create RNA oligos |
X |
Bulk update RNA oligos |
X |
Unarchive RNA oligos |
X |
DNA alignments |
List DNA alignments |
X |
Delete a DNA alignment |
X |
Get a DNA alignment |
X |
Create a consensus DNA alignment |
X |
Create a template DNA alignment |
X |
DNA sequences |
List DNA sequences |
X |
Create a DNA sequence |
X |
Get a DNA sequence |
X |
Update a DNA sequence |
X |
Archive DNA sequences |
X |
Auto-annotate DNA sequences with matching features from specified feature libraries |
X |
Autofill DNA sequence parts |
X |
Autofill DNA sequence translations |
X |
Bulk create DNA sequences |
X |
Bulk get DNA sequences by ID |
X |
Bulk update DNA sequences |
X |
Unarchive DNA sequences |
X |
Dropdowns |
List dropdowns |
X |
Create a dropdown |
X |
Get a dropdown |
X |
Update a dropdown |
X |
Archive dropdown options |
X |
Unarchive dropdown options |
X |
Entries |
List entries |
X |
Create a notebook entry |
X |
Get a notebook entry by ID |
X |
Update a notebook entry's metadata |
X |
Retrieves the metadata for an external file use the 'download URL' to download the actual file |
X |
Archive notebook entries |
X |
Get notebook entries using entry IDs or display IDs |
X |
Unarchive notebook entries |
X |
List entry templates |
X |
Get a notebook template entry by ID |
X |
Events |
List events |
X |
Exports |
Export item |
X |
Feature libraries |
List feature libraries |
X |
Create a feature library |
X |
Get a feature library by ID |
X |
Update a feature library |
X |
List features |
X |
Create a feature |
X |
Get a feature by ID |
X |
Update a feature |
X |
Bulk create features |
X |
Folders |
List folders |
X |
Create folder |
X |
Get a folder by ID |
X |
Archive folders |
X |
Unarchive folders |
X |
Legacy workflows |
List legacy workflow stage run input samples |
X |
List legacy workflow stage run output samples |
X |
List legacy workflow stage run registered samples |
X |
List legacy workflow stage runs |
X |
List legacy workflows |
X |
Update legacy workflow |
X |
List legacy workflow stages |
X |
Locations |
List locations |
X |
Create a location |
X |
Get a location by ID |
X |
Update a location |
X |
Archive locations |
X |
Bulkget locations |
X |
Unarchive locations |
X |
Mixtures |
List mixtures |
X |
Create a mixture |
X |
Get a mixture |
X |
Update a mixture |
X |
Archive mixtures |
X |
Bulk create mixtures |
X |
Bulk update mixtures |
X |
Unarchive mixtures |
X |
Molecules |
List molecules |
X |
Create a molecule |
X |
Get a molecule |
X |
Update a molecule |
X |
Archive molecules |
X |
Bulk create molecules |
X |
Bulk update molecules |
X |
Unarchive molecules |
X |
Monomers |
List monomers |
X |
Create a monomer |
X |
Update a monomer |
X |
Archive monomers |
X |
Unarchive monomers |
X |
Nucleotide alignments |
List nucleotide alignments |
X |
Delete a nucleotide alignment |
X |
Get a nucleotide alignment |
X |
Create a consensus nucleotide alignment |
X |
Create a template nucleotide alignment |
X |
Oligos |
List oligos |
X |
Create an oligo |
X |
Get an oligo |
X |
Update an oligo |
X |
Archive oligos |
X |
Bulk create DNA oligos |
X |
Bulk get oligos by ID |
X |
Unarchive oligos |
X |
Organizations |
List organizations |
X |
Get an organization by ID |
X |
Plates |
List plates |
X |
Create a plate |
X |
Get a plate |
X |
Update a plate |
X |
Archive plates |
X |
Bulkget plates |
X |
Unarchive plates |
X |
Projects |
List projects |
X |
Get a project by ID |
X |
Archive projects |
X |
Unarchive projects |
X |
Registry |
List registries |
X |
Get registry |
X |
List batch schemas by registry |
X |
List box schemas by registry |
X |
List container schemas by registry |
X |
List dropdowns for a given registry |
X |
List entity schemas by registry |
X |
List location schemas by registry |
X |
List plate schemas by registry |
X |
Bulk get registered entities |
X |
Register entities |
X |
Unregister entities |
X |
Printers |
List printers |
X |
Label templates |
List label templates |
X |
Inventory |
Validate barcodes |
X |
Requests |
List request fulfillments |
X |
Get a request's fulfillment |
X |
List requests |
X |
Create a request |
X |
Get a request by ID |
X |
Update a request |
X |
Get a request's response |
X |
Create tasks for a request |
X |
Bulk update tasks for a request |
X |
Update the status of sample groups in a request |
X |
Bulk get requests |
X |
RNA sequences |
List RNA sequences |
X |
Create an RNA sequence |
X |
Get an RNA sequence |
X |
Update an RNA sequence |
X |
Archive RNA sequences |
X |
Auto-annotate RNA sequences with matching features from specified feature libraries |
X |
Autofill RNA sequence parts |
X |
Autofill RNA sequence translations from amino acid sequences with matching schemas |
X |
Bulk create RNA sequences |
X |
Bulk get RNA sequences by ID |
X |
Bulk update RNA sequences |
X |
Unarchive RNA sequences |
X |
Tasks |
Get a task by ID |
X |
Teams |
List teams |
X |
Get a team by ID |
X |
Authentication |
Generate a token for usage with authenticating via OAuth2 in subsequent API calls |
X |
Users |
List users |
X |
Create a user |
X |
Get a user by ID |
X |
Update a user by ID |
X |
Last user activity |
X |
Bulk create users |
X |
Bulk update users |
X |
Warehouse |
Create Benchling warehouse credentials |
X |
Workflow outputs |
List workflow outputs |
X |
Create a new workflow output |
X |
Get a workflow output |
X |
Update a workflow output |
X |
Archive one or more workflow outputs |
X |
Bulk create new workflow outputs |
X |
Bulk update workflow outputs |
X |
Unarchive one or more workflow outputs |
X |
Legacy workflows (deprecated) |
List stage run input samples |
X |
List stage run output samples |
X |
List stage run registered samples |
X |
List workflow stage runs |
X |
List workflows |
X |
Update workflow |
X |
List workflow stages |
X |
Workflow task groups |
List workflow task groups |
X |
Create a new workflow task group |
X |
Get a workflow task group |
X |
Update a workflow task group |
X |
Archive one or more workflows |
X |
Unarchive one or more workflows |
X |
Workflow tasks |
List workflow tasks |
X |
Create a new workflow task |
X |
Get a workflow task |
X |
Update a workflow task |
X |
Creates a new workflow task with the same fields and assignee as the provided task and creates a relationship between the two tasks |
X |
Archive one or more workflow tasks |
X |
Bulk creates new workflow tasks where each new task has the same fields and assignee as one of the provided tasks and creates a relationship between the provided task and its copy |
X |
Create one or more workflow tasks |
X |
Update one or more workflow task |
X |
Unarchive one or more workflow tasks |
X |
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