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Set up an OAuth 2.0 HTTP connection to Paycor

Paycor is a payroll service, human resources information system (HRIS), and human capital management (HCM) cloud-based software company. It helps businesses manage onboarding, taxes, and compliance.


Sign in to the Paycor developer account with a Paycor main administrator access to create a new application and for a successful OAuth authorization.

Paycor documentation: API guide , Authentication

A. Set up an HTTP connection

Start establishing an HTTP connection to Paycor in either of the following ways:

  • From the Resources menu, select Connections. Then, click + Create connection at the top right.

    – or –

  • While working in a new or existing integration , you can add an application to a flow simply by clicking Add source or Add destination/lookup.

In the resulting Application list, select HTTP.

The Create connection panel opens with required and advanced settings.

B. Describe the general HTTP connection settings

Edit the General settings specific to your account and this connection resource.

Name (required): Provide a clear and distinguishable name. Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection, and a unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting among a list of connections that you’ve created.

Application (required, non-editable): A reminder of the app you’re editing.

Mode (required): Select Cloud.

C. Provide required HTTP account information


This article is concerned only with the settings needed for the Paycor connection. For complete field documentation, see Set up an OAuth 2.0 based HTTP connection.

At this point, you’re presented with a series of options for providing HTTP authentication.


Base URI (required): Enter the Paycor base URI:

Configure HTTP header: Enter the Paycor HTTP header details:

  • Name: Enter ocp-apim-subscription-key.

  • Value: Enter your subscription key.

Media type (required): Select JSON.

Override media type for success responses: Accept the default value, Do not override.

Override media type for error responses: Accept the default value, Do not override.

Retrieve your Ocp-apim subscription key


  1. Sign in to your Paycor developer account.

  2. Select the required application and navigate to the Security connections tab.

  3. Copy the Subscription key.

D. Configure authentication settings

In the Configureauthentication section, select and configure the authentication.

Auth type (required): Select OAuth 2.0.

OAuth 2.0 client (required): Assuming you haven’t yet established a Paycor iClient (client ID-client secret). To add an iClient and configure your credentials , click the plus (+) button or Click the edit ( edit.svg ) button to modify a selected Client and switch to the HTTP view in the Create/Edit iClient page:

  • Name (required): Enter an iClient name.

  • Grant type (required): Select Authorization code with PKCE.

  • Client ID: Enter your Paycor application client ID.

  • Client secret: Enter your Paycor application client secret. Multiple layers of protection, including AES 256 encryption, are in place to keep your secret safe. When editing this connection, you must re-enter this value each time; it is stored only when the connection is saved and never displayed as text.

  • Code challenge method (required): Accept the default value, SHA-256.

  • Send client credentials via (required): Accept the default value, HTTP body.

  • Authorization URL (required): Enter your Paycor authorization URL in the format as shown in the following image.

  • Access token URL (required): Enter your Paycor access token URL in the format as shown in the following image. For detailed information, see Acquire new access token.

  • Valid domain names (required): Enter

  • Send token via (required): Select HTTP header.

  • Headername (required): Accept the default value, Authorization.

  • Headerscheme: Select Bearer.

  • Access token path: Enter access_token.

Scope: Enter your scope appended with offline_access.

For example, 89895b8e7846ee119937000d3ad30c89 offline_access.

Retrieve your Paycor client ID, client secret, and scope


  1. Sign in to your Paycor developer account.

  2. Navigate to Applications and click +Application.

  3. Enter a Name and click Create application.

  4. Copy the Client ID and Client secret.

  1. Configure the application. For detailed information, see Configure application.

  2. Navigate to the General tab.

  3. Copy the Scope name.


E. Specify how to test this connection and advanced settings

Expand the How to test this connection? section.

  • HTTP method: Select GET.

  • Relative URI: Enter the relative URI in this format: /v1/tenants/YOUR_TENANT_ID/employees.

Expand the Advanced section

  • Unencrypted: Enter the JSON format of your application. For example, {"app": "paycor"}.

F. Test the connection

Once you have configured the Paycor connection, you have a few options for continuing:

  • Save – click to test the connection, commit the new connection so that it will be available to all integrations for your account

  • Save & close – click to test and save the connection and exit the Create connection panel

  • Close – click to exit without saving any new changes

  • Test connection – click to verify that your new connection is free of errors

When you test or save the connection, it is verified before continuing.


The new connection is now successfully added to your account. It will be applied to the current source or destination app if you created it within a flow. Otherwise, you may proceed to register the connection with an integration.

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